There are several teams in this race, each consisting of a member with different content area strengths. Each team will work together to complete the LHS Campus PD Amazing Race. In order for your team to win you must complete all activities and tasks correctly and as a team. You must start together, stay together, and finish together. To ensure the honesty and integrity of each team there will be check-in flags at the checkpoints, checkpoint workers, and secret eyes on you (lol). This is a team activity, so cheer one another on, and encourage and challenge one another to work harder. Please give your team your full participation and finish strong!

Your team will need:

1) Your team members & team Color

2) A QR Code Reader (you can use multiple)

3) Internet-supported device (you can use multiple)

4) Your individual workbook (everyone should complete one to turn in, as this is your PD artifact and proof of participation)

You must check in when required so that your activities are time-stamped. There will be fill-in-the-blank quotes, content activities, and clues for the location of the next flag on each site. The first team to complete them all in the proper order--WINS! If you need a clue use the google site URL I provided you. Good luck and may the best team WIN!

***REMEMBER to check-in below.

"The key to pursuing excellence is to embrace an organic, long-term learning process, and not to live in a shell of static, safe mediocrity. Usually, growth comes at the expense of previous comfort or safety."


Fill in your blanks and answer the question below using the image.

An insertion, as related to genomics, is a type of mutation that involves the addition of one or more nucleotides into a segment of DNA. An insertion can involve the addition of any number of nucleotides, from a single nucleotide to an entire piece of a chromosome.

Insertion. Insertion means that a number of nucleotides have been erroneously added to the genome, most often during the process of DNA replication. This number can be as small as a single nucleotide or up to thousands or even millions of nucleotides. The effect of an insertion likewise varies. Some may cause no effect at all, whereas others, even single nucleotide insertions, can completely disrupt the function of a gene and lead to a pathogenic variant associated with a genetic disease.

Clue for Flag #4:

Using the image below answer the question and provide the answer to the location worker in order to obtain your clue to Flag#4.