Application for Organizers - GIMUN 2023
The 2023 Edition of the Georgian International Model United Nations (GIMUN) Conference will take place from 30th of June through 2nd of July, 2023, in Tbilisi, Georgia. 

This call is to find motivated organizers for 3 days for the conference. As an Organizer for the Model United Nations (MUN) conference, you will play a crucial role in planning and executing a successful and impactful event. Your responsibilities will involve various aspects of conference organization and management. You will work closely with a team of dedicated individuals to ensure a seamless experience for delegates. 

Your main responsibilities will be: Coordination, Delegate Registration, Venue and Logistics, Communication, etc.

We are looking forward to meeting you! 

P.S Bare in mind, that we are looking for determined amount of organizers. In case of not getting the position, we will be more then happy to see you as a delegate!

Best of Luck!
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Occupation *
What is your Motivation to be an Organizer at GIMUN 2023?
Describe your schedule to us. Your attendance during the 3 days of conference will be necessary.  Tell us how much time can you dedicate to us.
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