2022 Online Symposium of the Network of Asian Environmental Philosophy: Feedback Form
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Adreça electrònica *
How did you hear about the event? *
Why did you attend this conference? Select one only. *
Did the Symposium fulfill your expectations? *
Which speaker were you most interested in? *
Which session(s) interested you the most? *
Which session(s) interested you the least? *
Please tick any topics in which you would be interested for future Symposia: *
Please indicate your level of satisfaction with the following: *
Very Satisfied
Very Dissatisfied
Content of the Symposium
Process of Registration
Speakers' Presentation
Symposium Workshop
Flow of the Plenary Sessions
Assistance by the Organizers
Would you recommend this Symposium to a friend or a colleague? *
Do you have any further comments, suggestions, or recommendations for the Organizers? *
Would you like to receive a Certificate of Attendance? *
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