Thursday, April 4 | 4:00 pm | Yale Peabody Museum, Classroom 118
Please register below to attend RESONANCE OF THINGS UNSEEN: Indigenous Sovereignty, Institutional Accession, & Private Correspondence, which intervenes in the professional papers of a former Yale Peabody Museum curator William Sturtevant, through a treatment of his letters, purchase receipts, and grant applications. This conversation delves into the concealed figure of the Ethnologist and explores the intricate connection between Anthropology, tourism, and Native Sovereignty in the formation of a collection during the mid 20th c. for the Yale Peabody Museum.
Emily Velez Nelms, artist, Whitney Museum ISP fellow, M.E.D. graduate student, Yale School of Architecture '24
Houston R. Cypress, Otter Clan, Love the Everglades Movement, poet, artist, activist
Sandra Sánchez, doctoral candidate in History, Yale University
Exhibition and programming made possible by the Yale Peabody Museum, the Yale University Art Gallery's Martin A. Ryerson Lectureship Fund, Yale Environmental Humanities, Public Humanities at Yale, the Yale Group for the study of Native America, and the Yale School of Architecture.