Iceland-Canada Webinar on Food and Nutrition in the North
A conversation offering insights into food production, distribution, and access to nutrition in Iceland and Canada's North.
Date and time
About this event
- Event lasts 1 hour
Iceland-Canada Webinar on Food and Nutrition in the North
This webinar will feature fresh insights into the day-to-day realities of northern Canadians and Icelandic citizens with respect to accessing nutritious and affordable food. Panelists from leading research institutions and the private sector will unpack the similarities and differences between these two parallel contexts. They will discuss the defining characteristics of food production in Iceland; share information on how the private sector is responding to demand for healthy and affordable food in both Iceland and the Canadian north; speak about the Nordic Nutrition Recommendations 2023 published by the Nordic Council of Ministers; and share youth perspectives on improving access to healthy food in northern contexts.
The event is jointly organized by the Embassy of Iceland in Iceland in Ottawa and the Embassy of Canada in Reyjkavík in cooperation with the Icelandic Arctic Cooperation Network and Polar Knowledge Canada.
Agenda (all times EST):
11:30-11:35 Welcome
- Ambassador Jenny Hill, Embassy of Canada in Reykjavík, Iceland
11:35-12:05: Remarks from panelists
- Merlyn Recinos, Owner and Co-founder, Arctic Fresh Group, on food security and nutrition in the context of northern Canada and the role of the private sector.
- Ólafur Reykdal, M.Sc. Project Manager, Matís, on food production in Iceland and the Icelandic Food Composition Database (ÍSGEM).
- Kolbrún Sveinsdóttir, Ph.D. Project Manager, Matís, on the Nordic Nutrition Recommendations.
- Patricia Johnston-Castle, Jane Glassco Northern Fellow and PhD candidate, on food & nutrition policy from a youth perspective.
12:05-12:25: Q&A and open discussion
12:25 - 12:30: Closing remarks
- Ambassador Hlynur Guðjónsson, Embassy of Iceland in Ottawa
Moderator: Ambassador Jenny Hill, Embassy of Canada in Reykjavík, Iceland
Kolbrún Sveinsdóttir, Ph.D. is a Project Manager at Matís ohf (Icelandic Food and Biotech Company). Kolbrún graduated holds a master’s degree and doctorate in Food Science from the University of Iceland. She has worked for Matís as a food scientist since 2000. She provided important inputs into the development of the Nordic Nutrition Recommendations 2023 on behalf of Iceland.
Merlyn Recinos is owner and co-founder of Arctic Fresh Group, an Inuit-founded and operated online retail social enterprise committed to providing fresh and affordable foods for people living in Nunavut, Canada’s youngest northern territory. Based in Igloolik, he has been an entrepreneur since the age of eight, when he began selling fresh fruit and food in front of his home to members of his community. He moved to Nunavut at 21, where he and his partner Rhoda Angutimarik’s created Arctic Fresh.
Ólafur Reykdal, M.Sc. is a Project Manager at Matís ohf (Icelandic Food and Biotech Company). Mr. Reykdal holds a master's in Food Science and a B.Sc in Chemistry. He brings with him a rich background in food analysis and quality. Ólafur has particular expertise in the field of food production in the Nordic Region, including on the unique challenges and opportunities associated with food production in northern climates. He also has extensive knowledge of the Icelandic Food Composition Database (ÍSGEM).
Patricia Johnston-Castle: Originally from St John's, Newfoundland and Labrador, Patricia is a Jane Glassco Northern Fellow and PhD student in History at the University of Minnesota. She studied African studies and philosophy at McGill University and holds a master's in social anthropology from the University of Cape Town. Patricia is a resident of Nain, Labrador, where she was the former Director of Policy and Planning at Nunatsiavut Government and moderated the Food Sovereignty Hackathon panel at the Arctic Circle Assembly in 2022.