All About Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery from the Best Spine Surgeon in Pasadena

 MISS or Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery is a surgery of the backbone or the bones of the spine. Doctors use smaller incisions during this surgery than other standard surgeries. It doesn’t cause any harm to nearby muscles and tissues. It is less painful than traditional surgery. Patients also recover quickly after the operation. MISS is useful during surgeries like spinal fusion, lumbar discectomy, and laminectomy. Here’s everything you need to know about it before finding the best spine surgeon in Pasadena.

Why is minimally invasive surgery better than open surgery?

A long incision on your back is necessary to perform an open surgery. The surgeon must move away the soft tissue and muscles around your spine. Sometimes, there might be no other option than to remove the tissues. But during MISS, the doctor makes a small incision. He then inserts a tubular retractor. It is a stiff tool shaped like a tube. It helps in creating a tunnel to reach the affected area of the spine. It can gently push aside the soft tissue and muscles surrounding the area. Then the surgeon takes small tools and puts them through the tunnel. He also takes a specialized operating microscope to view X-ray images of the patient’s spine in real-time.

Minimally invasive spine surgery: who is it for?

Most people suffering from back aches don’t require surgery. They mostly rely on physical therapy and medicine. But surgery is mandatory if regular exercise and lifestyle changes can’t give any relief. Your healthcare provider will recommend it if problems persist. However, spine surgery cannot cure all types of back problems. But it effectively eliminates the following complications: 

  • Spinal instability 
  • Fractured vertebra 
  • Herniated disc
  • Spine infections
  • Spinal deformities 
  • Spinal stenosis 
  • Spina tumor 

How to prepare yourself for a MISS

What should you do after your doctor has suggested minimally invasive spine surgery? Inform him about all the medicines you take. You may have to stop taking certain medicines (like blood thinners) before surgery. If you are a smoker, you must stay away from your cigarettes. 

Your surgeon will take care of the imaging tests. It is better to opt for an MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging). Stay calm on the night before the operation. Have a simple, homemade meal and sleep early. If there is any sudden change in your health (like loose motion or fever), discuss it with your physician. 

What happens after MISS?

  1. Your doctor might ask you to stay under observation for some hours or spend the night at the hospital. 
  2. He will prescribe medicines to relieve your pain. 
  3. You will be able to resume your normal diet within 24 hours. 

Parting Thoughts 

So, now you know about the benefits of the procedure and how it is done. You must contact a reputed surgeon for performing your minimally invasive spine surgery in Pasadena. If you have a spine issue that only surgery can cure, there is no point in delaying it. The sooner you receive proper treatment, the quicker you’ll recover.
