Hello, April!

I have always said that I loved fall most of all…but I do think spring gives fall a real run for its money. I never used to like spring much, yet as I have gotten older, and particularly after I had a little spring baby, I have begun to love it. Maybe even more than fall. But that is a secret between us, ok?

The slight chill in the air and the warm, sunny days give me life, after a long winter of chilling cold, and seeing nothing but gray and white, nothing of color or brightness. Spring truly is a time of renewal and hope. Flowers peeping their little heads up, getting outside and breathing the freshness of the spring air, all the little animals running about busily while birds build their nests. I love to lie in bed in the morning and hear the birds greeting the dawn, to enjoy the chill morning under the quilt with my coffee and my kiddo, knowing that these days will be ending soon so I had better soak them up before the heat and humidity of summer forces me to abandon such cozy pursuits.

Usually around this time of year, I have nurtured little seedlings to plant outside. This year however, our garden plan is much different. This year, we are all about the flowers and trees (and maybe a basil plant and a few tomatoes..but nothing crazy). Our plan includes roses and zinnias and dahlias, and bigger things, like evergreens and birch trees. Why does this feel more like settling in, a sense of permanency in a house I have lived in already over twenty years? Yet it does. The putting down of real roots.

The rains of spring get me down a little, and I have to remind myself that it too has a place, to help all those plants and roots and animals to live. Our roof is a bit leaky though, and I cross my fingers and pray that it can hold out a bit longer and that a small fix will do the trick. It makes me think of that Mary Oliver poem, Making the House Ready for the Lord, although I hope more than anything that there are no small creatures living in my home, as much as I love them( although I might make an exception for a family of rabbits). It is enough that the rain has found its way in.

Dear Lord, I have swept and I have washed but
still nothing is as shining as it should be
for you. Under the sink, for example, is an
uproar of mice — it is the season of their
many children. What shall I do? And under the eaves
and through the walls the squirrels
have gnawed their ragged entrances — but it is the season
when they need shelter, so what shall I do? And
the raccoon limps into the kitchen and opens the cupboard
while the dog snores, the cat hugs the pillow;
what shall I do? Beautiful is the new snow falling
in the yard and the fox who is staring boldly
up the path, to the door. And still I believe you will
come, Lord: you will, when I speak to the fox,
the sparrow, the lost dog, the shivering sea-goose, know
that really I am speaking to you whenever I say,
as I do all morning and afternoon: Come in, Come in.

Wyatt and I have our raincoats hanging on the hooks near the door, bright blue for him, green for me. Billy has a yellow one, but he has not yet brought it out, although he has worn his wellies a few times already. My boots still sit in the closet, waiting for the moment we go for a spring walk together after a rain, or for when I venture out into the yard finally to get it ready for homeschool outside and morning picnics on the grass, which is really clover not much grass. Soon Wyatt and I will be sitting on the porch too in the evenings, watching for Billy to pull up in front of the house after work. I am also looking forward to lighter, easier dinners! I love the comfort food of fall and winter, but by the time spring arrives, I am more than ready for more salads.

My reading too, gets lighter for the most part. I will read the occasional thriller on rainy days or weeks but I find myself reaching more for the fantastic, books filled with magic and whimsy and wonder and romance. I have my starting spring line up of authors and titles all ready!

And phew, that is enough from me! What about you all? How do you feel about spring? What are you looking forward to most?

16 thoughts on “Hello, April!

  1. Spring is here in north Texas. We bought several plants including a tomato plant for outside in the garden area which is outside my kitchen window. Wildflowers are along the roadside. Birds are singing. We will not have another freeze until the end of this year.

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  2. I love the daffodils and tulips and all the bulb flowers and it’s nice to be able to enjoy time outside before the mosquitos really show up. Here in Alabama we don’t really have spring. We have a few nice days here and there between storms and then the pollen starts and everything gets coated in yellow gunk. I still love that first feeling of warmth though. Have a wonderful spring!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Oh, I love that you’re planting trees! I want to plant more, but we already have five. Oh, that makes me sad just typing it! I can’t wait to see all the new bushes and trees. 

    This post is so beautifully written, Erin. It’s just so lyrical. And, the poem is beautiful. But, I’m afraid mice freak me out if they’re in my house. I think of them running across me while I sleep, and it gives me the heebie jeebies!



  4. I like the newness of spring. I used to like it more but sometimes I feel like I m expected to do more when it gets warmer and like it. Sometimes I do like doing more but sometimes I still want to be inside and cozy.

    I’d rather have the cool mixed with the warm than the heat of summer, though.

    This year I am anxious to not feel chilled to the bone in the borning or to fight with the fire.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I love all that newness too. Everything just feels awake and refreshed and alive!

      I miss the coziness of winter too. I feel our penance is to sweat during the yuck of summer. I usually hide out anyway during those super hot days, Wyatt is not great in heat.

      Yes! You will finally wake up and be warm!

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