Mental Health Fun Run Registration Form* 
Sponsored by the Woonsocket Education Department and the Woonsocket Health Equity Zone.  
  • When: Saturday, May 11, 2024
  • Where: Hamlet Middle School Field (Rain or Shine
  • Times: Registration 9:30am;10am 100 Yard Dash (Grades Pre K-2); 10:15am 1 Mile Run (Grades 2-8)
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Email *
Each runner will receive a tee shirt and bottled water. Runners and their families are welcome to stay for the Mental Health Resource Fair immediately following the run in the Hamlet Cafeteria where lunch will be served. There will be arts & crafts and you can even register your child for Kindergarten!  There are no fees associated with these events. 
Student Name (First and Last Name) *
100 Yard Dash  - 10 AM Start Time
One Mile Run - 10:15 AM Start Time
Student School *
Shirt Size
Parent/Guardian Name  *
Parent/Guardian Cell Phone Number  *
Consent: I hereby agree to give consent for my child to participate in the WED Mental Health Fun Run . Physical reactions to exercise may include heat-related illness, abnormal heartbeats, and blood pressure and, in rare instances, events such as heart attacks. While the WED takes all reasonable precautions, we can make no guarantees regarding these and other risks such as contracting known and unknown viruses. Recognizing the risks of this event, and in consideration for allowing participation in the  event, I hereby release, discharge and agree to hold harmless, and to indemnify each of the WED members and their affiliates  and assigns against and from any and all causes of action, claims, demands, damages, costs, loss of services, expenses, compensation, all consequential damages and attorneys’ fees (regardless whether pursuant to the laws of any county, state or country) claimed by, through or on behalf of me related directly or indirectly to the  event, and specifically including any and all claims for personal injuries sustained while participating in the  event without regard to negligence or negligent conditions.   
Any questions should be directed to the race coordinator:
Kathryn Mottau, MSW (
Globe Park Elementary School Social Worker & Parent Liaison
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