Ten non- tech online Jobs that pay heavily in Dollars in 2024

This year 2024. there are 10 non-tech jobs that will boost your bank account .

If you have a smartphone these jobs are for you and you need not be technologically or technically inclined to do this from home .


Freelance writing involves creating content for clients on a project basis. Here are the key details and some popular websites for freelance writing:

Scope of Work: Freelance writers create various types of content, including articles, blog posts, website copy, social media content, and more. They often work with clients who need specific content for their websites, businesses, or publications.

Skills Required: Strong writing skills, grammar proficiency, research abilities, and the ability to adapt writing styles based on client needs. Knowledge of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) can be beneficial.

Platforms for Finding Work:

a. Upwork: A popular freelance platform where clients post writing jobs and freelancers can bid on them.

b. Freelancer: Similar to Upwork, Freelancer allows writers to find various writing opportunities.

c. Fiverr: Fiverr is a platform where freelancers create “gigs” offering specific writing services. Clients can then hire based on these offerings.


d. Contently: Contently is more focused on connecting freelance writers with brands and companies looking for quality content.

e. Problogger Job Board: A job board specifically for blogging and writing opportunities. Problogger

Payment and Contracts: Freelance writers typically negotiate payment rates with clients. Contracts outlining project details, deadlines, and payment terms are essential to ensure a clear understanding between both parties.

Building a Portfolio: Creating a portfolio with samples of your work is crucial for attracting clients. Many platforms allow you to showcase your previous writing projects.

Networking: Building relationships with other freelancers and clients can lead to additional opportunities. Social media platforms and writing communities are useful for networking.

Time Management: Freelance writers need to manage their time effectively to meet deadlines and handle multiple projects simultaneously.


Virtual assistance involves providing administrative support to clients remotely. Here are the details along with some popular websites for virtual assistance:

Scope of Work: Virtual assistants handle various administrative tasks, including email management, scheduling, data entry, customer support, social media management, and more. The tasks can vary depending on the client’s needs.

Skills Required: Strong organizational skills, communication abilities, proficiency in office software (e.g., Microsoft Office, Google Workspace), and the ability to adapt to different tasks and industries.

Platforms for Finding Work:

a. Fiverr: A platform where virtual assistants can create gigs offering specific services. Clients can then hire based on these offerings. Fiverr

b. Upwork: A popular freelance platform where clients post virtual assistance jobs, and freelancers can bid on them. Upwork

c. Time Etc: A platform specializing in virtual assistance services, connecting virtual assistants with businesses and entrepreneurs. Time Etc

d. Indeed: A job board where clients post virtual assistant positions for remote work. Indeed


e. Belay: Belay focuses on connecting virtual assistants with clients and offers services like bookkeeping, social media management, and more.

Payment and Contracts: Virtual assistants negotiate rates with clients, and contracts outlining the scope of work, deadlines, and payment terms are crucial for a clear understanding.

Building a Portfolio: Creating a portfolio showcasing your skills and highlighting successful projects or testimonials can help attract clients.

Networking: Joining virtual assistant communities, forums, and social media groups can provide networking opportunities and insights into the industry.

Time Management: Virtual assistants need effective time management skills to juggle multiple tasks and ensure timely completion.

Success in virtual assistance often involves a combination of skills, professionalism, and the ability to cater to diverse client needs.


Online tutoring refers to the provision of educational support or instruction over the internet. Numerous websites facilitate online tutoring services, connecting students with qualified tutors. Some prominent online tutoring platforms include:

Chegg Tutors (chegg.com/tutors):

Subjects: Wide range, including math, science, humanities.
Features: Live tutoring, textbook solutions, and Q&A.
Khan Academy (khanacademy.org):

Subjects: Math, science, economics, history, and more.
Features: Extensive video lessons, practice exercises, and personalized learning.
Wyzant (wyzant.com):

Subjects: Diverse subjects, test preparation, and languages.
Features: Individualized lessons, in-person or online tutoring options.
Tutor.com (tutor.com):

Subjects: Math, science, English, and social studies.
Features: 24/7 availability, on-demand tutoring, and homework help.
Varsity Tutors (varsitytutors.com):

Subjects: Comprehensive range, including test prep.
Features: In-person and online tutoring, adaptive assessments.
Preply (preply.com):

Subjects: Languages, academic subjects, and test preparation.
Features: Access to a global network of tutors, flexible scheduling.
These websites offer diverse learning experiences, catering to various subjects and learning preferences. Students can find tutors, schedule sessions, and receive personalized assistance to enhance their understanding of specific topics.

I would divide this Write-up into two sections:

  1. Platforms to learn Graphic design
  2. Platforms to make money as a graphic designer

To learn graphic design and work online, you can explore the following websites:

Coursera: Offers graphic design courses from top universities and institutions.

Udemy: Provides a wide range of graphic design courses, often at affordable prices.

Skillshare: Focuses on creative skills, including graphic design, with a subscription-based model https://www.skillshare.com/

LinkedIn Learning: Formerly known as Lynda.com, it offers graphic design tutorials and courses.

Adobe Creative Cloud: Adobe’s own platform provides extensive tutorials for their graphic design software like Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign.

To find online graphic design work:

Upwork: A popular freelancing platform where clients post graphic design jobs.

Fiverr: Allows you to create a profile and offer graphic design services starting at $5.

Freelancer: Connects freelancers with clients seeking graphic design services.

99designs: A platform for designers to compete in design contests for cash prizes.

DesignCrowd: Similar to 99designs, it’s a crowdsourcing platform for graphic design projects.

Remember to build a strong portfolio showcasing your work, as it’s essential when seeking online graphic design opportunities.


Affiliate marketing is a performance-based marketing strategy where individuals, known as affiliates, promote products or services of companies and earn a commission for every sale, click, or lead generated through their unique affiliate link. Affiliates use various online channels, such as websites, social media, or emails, to drive traffic and encourage conversions for the affiliated businesses.

Here’s a brief explanation of the mentioned affiliate programs:

Jumia Affiliate Program: Join Jumia’s affiliate program and earn commissions by promoting products from Nigeria’s leading online marketplace.

Konga Affiliate Program: Partner with Konga to earn commissions by promoting a wide range of products available on their e-commerce platform.

Bet9ja Affiliate Program: If interested in sports betting, the Bet9ja affiliate program allows you to earn commissions by referring users to their platform.

Travelstart Affiliate Program: Promote Travelstart’s travel services and earn commissions for each successful booking made through your affiliate link.


Amazon Associates: While not Nigerian-specific, Amazon’s affiliate program is accessible worldwide. Promote Amazon products and earn commissions for each sale generated through your affiliate link


Remote Customer Support involves providing assistance, guidance, and solutions to customers via online communication channels, such as email, chat, or phone, from a location outside the company’s physical office. It’s a form of customer service that allows individuals to work from anywhere with an internet connection.

To make money through Remote Customer Support:

Job Opportunities:

Look for remote customer support job openings on platforms like Upwork, Freelancer, or company career pages that offer work-from-home positions.

Create profiles on freelancing platforms and offer your customer support services to businesses or individuals in need. Platforms like Fiverr or Upwork can connect you with potential clients.
Direct Employment:

Apply to companies that hire remote customer support representatives directly. Many tech companies and startups offer remote positions for customer service roles.
Specialized Platforms:

Explore specialiSed customer support platforms that connect freelancers with businesses seeking customer service assistance.
Skill Development:

Enhance your customer service skills by taking online courses on platforms like Skillshare or Udemy. A strong skill set will make you more competitive in the job market.

Join online communities and forums related to remote work and customer support. Networking can lead to job opportunities and valuable connections.
Build a Portfolio:

Showcase your experience and skills through an online portfolio or resume. Highlight relevant customer support experiences, certifications, and positive feedback.
Remember to research potential employers or clients, and be cautious of scams. Legitimate remote customer support opportunities can provide a flexible and rewarding way to earn income online.


Surveys and reviews are methods of gathering feedback, opinions, and assessments from individuals about products, services, or experiences. Surveys typically involve a set of questions designed to collect quantitative or qualitative data, while reviews are subjective evaluations expressing personal experiences or opinions.



Purpose: Surveys are conducted to understand consumer preferences, gather market insights, or assess public opinion.
Types: They can be structured (with predefined questions and response options) or unstructured (open-ended questions).
Methods: Surveys can be distributed through various channels like online platforms, emails, phone calls, or in-person interviews.

Purpose: Reviews provide subjective assessments of products, services, or experiences, helping others make informed decisions.
Platforms: Reviews are commonly found on websites, social media, and dedicated review platforms.
Impact: Positive reviews can enhance a business’s reputation, while negative ones may influence consumer choices negatively.
Making Money Online via Surveys and Reviews:

Online Surveys:

Platforms: Join reputable survey websites like Swagbucks, Survey Junkie, or Vindale Research.
Process: Sign up, complete profile surveys, and participate in available surveys to earn points or cash.
Redemption: Points can be redeemed for gift cards, PayPal cash, or other rewards.
Online Reviews:

Platforms: Consider platforms like Amazon, Yelp, or TripAdvisor for product and service reviews.
Affiliate Marketing: Some websites pay for affiliate marketing through reviews. Join affiliate programs and earn commissions for sales generated through your reviews.
Sponsored Reviews: Collaborate with businesses willing to pay for reviews of their products or services.
Important Tips:

Be cautious of scams; only engage with reputable survey and review platforms.
Regular participation increases earnings; check for new surveys or products to review.
Maintain honesty and authenticity in reviews to build credibility.
Remember, while these methods can generate extra income, they might not replace a full-time job. Always research and choose reliable platforms to avoid scams.


Remote Data Entry: Find data entry opportunities on websites such as Clickworker or Microworkers. Be cautious of scams and verify the legitimacy of the platforms.


Freelance Programming or Coding: If you have programming skills, explore opportunities on platforms like Toptal, Upwork, or Freelancer to find remote coding projects.


Stock photography is a business where individuals like you and I or photographers upload their high-quality images to online platforms. These platforms act as marketplaces, allowing individuals and businesses to purchase licenses for these images.

As an individual or photographer , you capture a variety of subjects, scenes, and concepts, then upload them to stock photo websites. Buyers, ranging from bloggers and small businesses to large corporations, can purchase licenses to use these images for their projects, marketing materials, websites, or other creative endeavours.

Photographers earn money through royalties or a percentage of the license fees paid by buyers. This business model benefits both photographers, who get a platform to showcase and sell their work, and buyers, who gain access to a vast array of professional images for their needs without the cost and effort of a custom photoshoot. It’s a way for photographers to monetise their skills and for buyers to access affordable, high-quality visuals for various purposes.

Several platforms allow you to sell stock photos. Here are some popular ones:

Shutterstock ( https://www.shutterstock.com/ ): Shutterstock is a widely used platform that offers a global marketplace for photographers to sell their stock images. You can apply to become a contributor on their website.

Adobe Stock ( https://stock.adobe.com/ ): Adobe Stock is integrated with Adobe Creative Cloud, making it convenient for photographers who use Adobe products. You can apply to become a contributor on their website.

Getty Images ( https://www.gettyimages.com/ ): Getty Images is a well-established platform that caters to a broad audience, including media professionals. They have a submission process for contributors.

iStock by Getty Images ( https://www.istockphoto.com/ ): iStock is part of the Getty Images family and provides a platform for contributors to sell both photos and illustrations.

Alamy ( https://www.alamy.com/ ): Alamy is known for its fair and transparent contributor-friendly terms. You can submit your photos for consideration through their website.

Adobe Stock ( https://stock.adobe.com/ ): Adobe Stock is a popular platform integrated with Adobe Creative Cloud. Photographers can contribute their images through the Adobe Stock Contributor portal.

When selling stock photos, ensure you follow each platform’s guidelines for image quality, copyright compliance, and submission requirements. It’s also important to understand the licensing terms and how you will be compensated for your work.

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