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disclaimer: this is gonna be super cringe-worthy paragraphs, you might feel fed up, love.

so, let me start now.

my dearest boyfriend, dana. *ew
i found out that today is your special day. well, you may say it is just a usual day for you but, it is not for me.
though we've been only 3 months together, we have gone through a lot of twists. and im still figuring out we are on the right path or not.

anyway, you are now officially 21! congratulations, boy!
since it is your born day today, i have some requests for you and hopes!
1. please, be happy for the rest of your life. be happy for yourself. dont ever suffer anything for me.
2. please always be healthy
3. semoga jadi laki-laki yang sholeh dan bertanggung jawab, aamiin.
4. semoga rezekinya lancar dan selalu dipertemukan dengan orang-orang baik, aamiin.
5. salatnya tertib, aamiin.
6. Al Isra 32 bisa benar-benar dipahami.

dana, i love you. i admit that i think about bad moments of ours sometimes and maybe too often. SO, LET'S CREATE MORE GOOD MOMENTS AND MEMORIES FROM NOW! LET'S BE HAPPY TOGETHER AND NOT CARE ABOUT WHAT OTHERS THINK ABOUT US! JUST THE TWO OF US.

i have 2 (two) empty slots di bawah yang harus dana isi. keduanya adalah free-pass buat dana kalau punya keinginan apapun yang wajib amel penuhi (*kecuali keinginannya nggak masuk akal). you can call it as vouchers(?) lol. ngisinya nggak harus sekarang. nanti aja kalau bener-bener butuh. harus digunakan sebijak mungkin. harus dipikirkan matang-matang. cuma dua.
kalau ada pertanyaan, let me know.

thank you for being present in this world! i wuf u!
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