Brand Logo ITEC :Indian Technical and Economic Cooperation

You have selected:
Specialised Programme On Machine Learning
at Centre For Development Of Advanced Computing Noida
From: 04-12-2023 To:22-12-2023.


1. Applicants are required to apply for ITEC training program by filling up this application form and take a print out of filled form. This form is to be submitted to the nodal/designated Government Department/Agency of applicant's country.

2. Nodal/designated Department/Agency is, in turn, required to forward the applications to the Embassy/High Commission of India, accredited/concurrently accredited to the nominating country along with undertaking by candidate and certification from employer (Part-II of Application Form).

3. Candidates may take printout of application and later check the status of their application by logging-in at .The credentials for log-in may be noted while filling up the form.
Nationality *
If not applying through Indian Mission, Please tick the check box
Secretariat Name
Normally candidates are required to apply for ITEC scholarships through respective Indian Missions. After filling this online form, its printout is sent to Indian Mission for processing, through the local government with its recommendation.However in certain cases , applications are also received through partner multilateral organization/ agencies. In case you intend to apply through these multilateral organization/ agencies, please select it here and submit your printed application to that organization /agency only. Else, please keep that check-box unchecked.