Sagorika Bose’s Post

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Passionate Advocate for Organism-Driven Organizations | Reviving the Core of the Indian Mindset to Drive Strategic Growth

Tired of the "Marriage Question" in Interviews? 🌞 YES !! I am feeling irritated irrespective of how well the interview goes. 🧿 NO !! I am not getting married soon. NO doesn't mean NEVER. To all the interviewers !! Let's talk about a question that pops up in interviews a little too frequently, especially for women: "Are you planning to get married soon?" While it might seem like a harmless inquiry [more like under the table drama 🤐], it often feels intrusive and irrelevant to the job at hand. Here's why this question needs to stop: 1. Personal choices shouldn't impact professionalism. My marital status has no bearing on my ability to excel in this role. Just like any other employee, unforeseen circumstances can arise in anyone's life, regardless of marital status. [Ex: I can even die anytime 🤷] 2. Focus on skills, not potential life changes. The interview should be about assessing my skills and experience. 😎 As HR professionals, you have studied and are trained to find and manage talent – that's your core function. 🤷 Instead of focusing on #hypothetical 💭 life changes, wouldn't it be more productive to discuss my skills and how I can contribute to the team's success? 3. Let's build a culture of trust and support. Companies that prioritize building a strong, supportive work environment will naturally attract and retain top talent. This means trusting your employees to dedicate themselves to their careers while also acknowledging that personal needs can arise. [Ex: Shift/marriage can happen to anyone 🥱] 4. Let's champion true gender equality. Imagine if every interviewee faced questions about their personal life plans. The focus should be on finding the best person for the job, not on assumptions about future commitments. 5. It's time to move beyond outdated practices. The idea that women are more likely to leave the workforce due to marriage or childcare is simply not true. Companies that embrace diversity and build inclusive cultures will be the ones that thrive in today's competitive market. And even someone chooses to leave (men or women), it's your job to find another or plan retention. [Just like I do for users / clients 🤦] The takeaway? Let's focus on creating a professional environment where skills and dedication are valued. We all deserve to be judged by our merit, not by outdated assumptions. - What are your thoughts? - Have you encountered this question in interviews? Let's keep the conversation going! #interviewtips #womeninworkforce #genderequality #founders #wearehiring #hr #empowerment

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Soumya TS

Healthcare, Manufacturing , Automobile | Women & Youth Empowerment | Leadership | Marketing Strategist | Brand Influencer | Music | Mountains


Sagorika Bose This question is common in all interviews. I have personally experienced the same . If not married - all the process will delay. No matter what . It's very unfair to ask anyone , at least during the interview time to talk about marriage, why you are not married till now ? Do you have plans to marry or is it an going one etc

Anand Vardhan

Agile Leader | Experienced in SaaS Operations & Project Management


True, interviewers shouldnt divulge into personal affairs of the interviewee to come to a conclusion on the hire or not decision


Sr. System/Business Analyst @ NxtPods Technologies - Ex Virtusa ||Ex Accenturite ||MBA Deans List ||B.Tech IT 1st Rank Holder; Certified SaFe 5.0 PO/PM; Retail, CPG, Manufacturing, Transport,Logistics, Edutech, Insurance


Absolutely agree! The focus should always be on talent, and skills, not on personal life choices. Corporate life is a both side affair in terms of professionalism; It's time to move beyond the outdated practices and create inclusive environments where everyone's contributions are valued and personal life is respected.

Anjalli Ravi Kumar

Chief Sustainability Officer @ Zomato


Well put Sagorika Bose

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