I am a Basque artist who works with both traditional and digital media, including the most advanced AI tools. Although I am mainly interested in abstract art, I do not feel tied to any style or artistic medium, as my main goal is the search for new forms of art that have not been seen before.

I will be providing exclusive NFTs to my Access subscribers each month.

- One NFT for every poolie.

- One NFT for 50% of poolies randomly chosen.

- One NFT for 50 poolies randomly chosen among the first 100 by Locked.

- One 1/1 NFT for a single poolie randomly chosen among the first 15 by Locked.

- Surprise drops from time to time.

Cut-off dates for snapshots are undisclosed. Users with zero ACS after the cut-off will be excluded. The drop will happen once a month.

These benefits are subject to change over time. Join my poolie channel on ACS Discord to stay on top of announcements.
