Campaigning solicitor and barrister trainers launch baby-loss programme

Lengthorn: Providing support now

A solicitor campaigning for statutory leave for those suffering baby loss has teamed up with a training company run by barristers to create an online platform to help people returning to work afterwards.

Keeley Lengthorn, a partner at national law firm Taylor Rose MW, said the platform created by Briefed was a vital part of her “crusade in further raising awareness”.

Ms Lengthorn, who lost three children in three years, is campaigning to enact ‘George’s Law’, named after the third of them, which would give workers of statutory leave to recover following the loss of a baby in the first 24 weeks of a pregnancy – there is protection if it happens after that time.

This means it is up to employers to decide whether to offer paid leave for baby loss and the platform aims to support this.

Shortly before losing George, Ms Lengthorn had successfully persuaded Taylor Rose to introduce a baby loss policy, shaped by new laws introduced in New Zealand. Tragically, she ended up being the first person who needed to use it.

She said: “I am indebted to the whole team at Briefed for collaborating with me on my mission to legislate ‘Georges Law’ and to raise awareness generally of baby loss.

“This training is informed, easily navigated, and provides both employers and employees with tools at their fingertips to assist employees who have suffered a baby loss.

“I am determined to help bring about a change in the law. But this could take time. This training will help provide support right now to many employees who need it and for that reason it really can be a lifeline. I urge all businesses to make use of it.”

Orlagh Kelly, barrister and chief executive of Briefed, said the company supported the campaign for George’s Law: “Keeley’s story resonates with me personally, and with many other barristers, solicitors, colleagues and friends.

“That’s why I’m so grateful that Briefed now has the opportunity to raise awareness of the difficulties bereaved parents face navigating their workplace after a loss.

“In the absence of protection at a statutory level, our training is intended to provide organisations with guidance on how to support a colleague.

“We want to ensure there is a transparent and effective baby loss policy available to employees within all organisations in the UK and create a more understanding and compassionate environment for their employees.”

Briefed said the training was specifically designed for HR departments, managers and other staff wanting to “gain a deeper understanding of how to effectively support their employees and co-workers”.

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