💡 [IMPORTANT] FAQ For Year Ending Special Weekly Challenges

We appreciate your active participation in our challenges. Moving forward, please adhere to the following guidelines when submitting your answers:

1. Submission Format: Clearly state your answers in each post. We regret the omission of this detail in Challenge 1 but kindly include it in subsequent submissions.

2. Submission Location:
Share your answers exclusively in the community reply section. For the Pixel Editor channel, utilize the Pixel Editor chat group. Ensure your response is unique and not a duplicate of any existing submissions.

3. Cross-Community Participation:
Challenges are also ongoing in the Niotron Community, Android Builder Community, and Kodular Community. Feel free to share your answers there. Niotron and Android Builders are offering additional prizes for submissions on their platforms.

4. Avoiding Duplicate Responses:
Prior to posting your answer, check for any identical submissions. Your response should be distinct from those already posted.

5. Prizes and Winner Selection:
Answer all challenges logically, honestly, and ensure they are functional and original. Winners will be selected based on the quality of responses. The announcement is tentatively scheduled for December 30th or 31st.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. Best of luck!

Niotron community Post:

Android Builder community Post:

Kodular Community:

Team Pixel Editor

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