Upon the guidance of our great Tao, we have carefully focused our FU talisman offerings into a list of the most commonly needed and requested types. Instead of overwhelming you with an endless list, we aim to guide our believers toward quality over quantity. Every FU talisman you purchase from us is handcrafted upon order and undergoes a sanctification and consecration ritual, ensuring you receive genuine and authentic divine power.
We refuse to participate in the low-cost market filled with pre-made, flea-market-quality FU talismans that offer nothing more than psychological placebo effects. At Tin Yat Dragon, we stand firm in our commitment to authenticity, offering real Taoist magic for the faithful in need. Each FU talisman is a serious request for help, submitted directly to the gods in our sect.
We are not selling paper or artistic drawings. We are facilitating a spiritual agreement between humans and the divine. Your payment is a symbolic offering that reflects your faith and devotion.
If you have specific needs beyond our ten offerings, we also provide custom FU talismans. Feel free to contact us to discuss your custom order.
Please read the FUs description, and then select what you need on our list, then click "add to cart" and continue shopping until you are done. You may purchase multiple FU Talismans and check out in one go. We also included video lessons in some of the listing, please feel free to watch and learn about the deeper meaning of the FUs so you can utilize the FUs to their maximum potentials.
FU stabilizes energy, promotes peace, and keeps everything balanced. If life feels rough, it smooths things out. If things feel too soft or uncertain, it gives you strength and stability. It's perfect for anyone, anytime, and is especially useful for safe and happy travels! Watch video on this FU!
Carry this FU to shield yourself from negative energies, spiritual impacts, and unseen threats. It’s like armor, especially if you’ve experienced spiritual attacks or harassment. It’s also highly effective against spiritual possession or sorcery attacks. Watch video on this FU!
Place this FU at your property’s entrance or anywhere in the space to set up spiritual guards. They will protect your home, keep it peaceful, and ward off unwanted entities. It’s like having a security guard for the spiritual dimension, ensuring no unwelcome visitors. Watch a VERY important video on this FU.
This FU pushes out evil spirits or negative energies from a house, object, or person. Once they’re gone, they won’t disturb you again. Pair this FU with the Protection FU afterward to keep your space safe—just like closing the windows after shooing mosquitoes out. Watch a VERY important video on this FU.
Use this FU to clear away unwanted energies. Burn it into incense or mix it in water to transfer its power. Cleanse your house, objects, yourself, or even your pets to reset energies to neutral and prevent negative manifestations from building up. After exorcism, it is always a good idea to cleanse, because evils can leave bad energies behind that can contaminate and bring misfortune. Watch a VERY important video on this FU.
Place this FU in areas where conflicts or arguments happen. It helps calm tensions, reducing unnecessary fights and misunderstandings, especially when minor things suddenly spiral into major issues. It restores harmony and peace among people.
If you suspect people are backstabbing, gossiping, or plotting against you, this FU is your remedy. It creates distance from these “villains” and protects you from harm. It’s particularly useful in workplace politics, where things can quickly spiral out of control. What we mean by villains (小人) are anything that will steal or loot away your success in life. This FU can also be used along with burning offerings for the dead to avoid looters that steals your "package" for the dead ones. Watch a video to understand more about this.
This FU supports your career, whether you’re looking for a job or want to secure your current position. Carry it with you to gain divine support, helping you make smart moves and recognize opportunities for success. Furthermore, this will help you remove corrupted soul energies from your system and improve your energy flow. Watch a video lesson to understand the deeper meaning and usage of this magick.
When you are facing "legal issues" or having conflicts inside your soul system, leading to conflicts and disruptions during the thinking process, this FU helps you kill the "ghost officials" in the system and bring you peace. Watch a video lesson to understand the deeper meaning and usage of this magick. There is also a lesson on "Legal Battles" which relate to this FU.
This FU attracts wealth, not just as money, but also through ideas, opportunities, and inspiration to achieve your goals. It’s great for planning and decision-making, boosting your chances of success and growth. Use this FU to bring in potentials and increase fortune. What a video on how to use this FU properly.
This FU amplifies your energy to boost creativity, focus, and motivation. It’s ideal when you need a push to succeed or perform at your best. For example, if you’re selling something at a convention this weekend, this FU will help you shine and attract success! Use this FU when you have something that need a boost! What a video on how to use this FU properly.
With this FU, a god will be assigned to standby your side. Whenever you feel the sickness kicks in, slap the FU 3x and summon the god to bust the sickness energy. Sickness energy can be a huge problem in life, leading to mental illness and the collapsing of your life. Watch a video to learn about its devastating effect.
When someone dies, the bad energies they have accumulated will gasses out and be distributed to everyone they know or have relationship with. After receiving this unpleasant bomb, it could turn into a big problem, causing your life to shift toward the negative side, making you "bad luck" or even "sick" all the time. When you know of this issue, you need to use this FU to dissolve the afterdeath related pollution energies. Carry one with you for a week or until all the funeral work is done.
This FU helps to keep your Yuen Sun (spiritual planetary body) align with you and bring its light to illuminate your path ahead, so that you will turn from a "blackie state" in life (bad luck) to good luck state again. Reduces the chances of accidents, misfortune, and bad visions or decision making in life. Let the bad luck roller coaster stop and bring your life back to the bright side. Watch a video lesson about this FU.
Sometimes we try to align the Yuen Sun (spiritual planetary body) and use that to illuminate our life, but it still doesn't work because the Yuen Sun itself is low in power or lacking resources. Therefore, you must use this FU to borrow resources from the Tao to replenish your Yuen Sun and so it has the power to help you again. This FU is a powerful FU that can change your life for real - but you must understand that you are borrowing resources from the Tao here, so make sure you also give back after a year to thank the Tao for the help it has given you! Watch a video lesson to learn more about this.
When you are trying to make something successful, or hoping it will turn out as you wished, yet it failed to do so. These are called "bad peach blossom flowers" in your life, which will drain your energies and luck away. You should chop these flowers off and get your energies focused back into yourself. Watch a video lesson to learn more about this.
Boosting your luck for things you are trying to achieve success, such as asking people to become your girlfriend or boyfriend, or maybe getting a business deal signed, or making something happen. Watch a video lesson to learn more about this.
If your Yuen Sun is dried, meaning that you lack life resources, running low on preheaven energies, you can borrow them from our sect. This FU increases potentials and opportunities. Watch a video lesson to learn more about this.
For those who have the feeling of being overwhelmed with ideas or choices and cannot pick which one to go for. This helps you settle the soul and you will be able to handle the ideas coming down to you. Watch a video lesson to learn more about this.
When you have an idea and you are easily shaken by external forces leading you to lose confident or even give up your own idea, you need this to protect your fetus inside the soul. Watch a video lesson to learn more about this.
When you are about to delivery your thoughts into expression state, verbally or showing yourself, you want that process to go well and smooth, then you need this FU. Watch a video lesson to learn more about this.
If you have done something and got a negative outcome or your soul is hurt after doing something, such as you proposed to a lady and got rejected. You might have an impact in the soul making it like a hurdle for you for a long time and that trauma just got stuck in your mind for a long time. You need this to help you out. Watch a video lesson to learn more about this.
This FU will assign a god to be your Tai Sui of the year, making up for the bad connections between you and your Yuen Sun. If you are in the Fan Tai Sui list, then you should get this FU as a remedy. Watch a video lesson to learn more about this.
Deal with first stage Gong Tau 降頭 impacts which is when the evil energies attacks your top system and giving you evil/weird ideas, influences your logic and create obstacles and conflicts while you try to think. This FU will dissolve the energy and cut off its connect to the source of power, which will then remove the curse at this early stage. Watch a video lesson to learn more about Gong Tau.
Deal with second stage Gong Tau 降頭 impacts which is when the evil energies attacks your heart system and killing your focus, confident, and even faith toward yourself. You will need to use this FU to subdue the virus in the heart. Watch a video lesson to learn more about Gong Tau.
Deal with third stage Gong Tau 降頭 impacts which is when the evil energies attacks your lower system, leading to uncontrollable physical actions. During this stage, you must use this FU to push the virus out of your system from the bottom, then it will be sent back to where it came from. This also deals with "tics" which is basically a Gong issue in the system that affects your physical action. Watch a video lesson to learn more about Gong Tau.
Prevents Gong Tau 降頭 attacks that kept coming at you. If you find yourself constantly being attacked or bothered by an intrusive Gong Tau giving you weird ideas all the time out of the blue, this helps you block things off with a wall of fire! Watch a video lesson to learn more about Gong Tau.
Casts Gong Tau 降頭 on someone or yourself with this FU to influence their thoughts and introduce them new ideas such as making someone consider you as a lover or giving you a promotion at work. Please do not use it to do bad things! Watch a video lesson to learn more about Gong Tau. We also have a video on Flying Head Gong Tau.
Casts Gong Tau 降頭 on someone or yourself to do good or harm to the heart. You can boost confident, focus and determination for good purpose. At the same time you can cast this on bad guys to destroy their confident, break their focus and stop them from doing anything that is bad to you. Watch a video lesson to learn more about Gong Tau. We also have a video on Heart Piercing Gong Tau.
Casts Gong Tau 降頭 on someone or yourself with this FU to destroy something that is already manifested, which could be good or bad! You can destroy someone's friendship, or you can destroy toxic relationship! Please do not use it to do bad things! Watch a video lesson to learn more about Gong Tau. We also have a video on Baby Ghost Gong Tau.
Remove Goo Magic that is still at the first stage. During this stage the victim will be affected while thinking of things. Watch a video lesson to learn more about Goo Magic.
Deals with Goo Magic at the second stage where it contaminates the heart and always triggers you to focus your attention on something, struggling to get your mind off something. Watch a video lesson to learn more about Goo Magic.
Exorcise the Goo magic at the third stage where it already contaminated your whole system and affects your physical action. While you are doing something, you will have unintentional actions, like how you are typing but always hit the wrong key. Watch a video lesson to learn more about Goo Magic.
Use this FU to cast Goo magic on yourself or others. This magic influence people's when they are trying to focus, making them always thought of you or something you want them to think of. Like you just saw something while shopping and even you are gone, that thought of the item keeps coming back. Great for binding magic, making people feel connected to you and get their heart to bind with you. Please do not use it to do bad things. Watch a video lesson to learn more about Goo Magic. We also have a specific video on snake magic!
Use this FU to cast Goo magic on yourself or others. This magic influence the subject to always talk about something, spiritually making connections to you, which also means that your other curses or gong tau can get through easily, as well as making them spread the words and make connections for you. Please do not use it to do bad things. Watch a video lesson to learn more about Goo Magic. We also have a specific video on toad magic! There is also an EASY guide to these 5 poisons magick.
Use this FU to cast Goo magic on yourself or others. This magic usher the subject to want to stick around something all the time, influencing their thoughts, logic and increases the rate of success in persuading and convincing. By entangling the subject with something, they will always think of them and feels like an addiction is going on. A great way to use it is to cast the magick on little gifts you will give out to customers, like freebies pens and pins etc, then the magic can kick in and make them glue to your business! Please do not use it to do bad things. Watch a video lesson to learn more about Goo Magic. We also have a specific video on centipede magic! There is also an EASY guide to these 5 poisons magick.
Use this FU to cast Goo magic on yourself or others. This magic changes the way people act and can also manipulate their physical manifestations. Just like when you are driving and suddenly your foresee yourself getting into a big collision, you will also hesitate and not want to drive. This magick can introduce the thoughts into people to change the way they act. Please do not use it to do bad things. Watch a video lesson to learn more about Goo Magic. We also have a specific video on the scorpion magic! There is also an EASY guide to these 5 poisons magick.
Use this FU to cast Goo magic on yourself or others. Casting this magic on someone will change their feelings toward something, making them feel suddenly in love or hate for something. For example, they might be suddenly in love with you! Locking in the heart with this magick! Please do not use it to do bad things. Watch a video lesson to learn more about Goo Magic. We also have a specific video on the spider magic! There is also an EASY guide to these 5 poisons magick.
This FU deal with the five poisons from Goo Magick. Use this FU when you are hit and the five poison is spotted inside you, it will help you dissolve the poison and help you recover your own energy alignments. Watch a video lesson to learn more about Goo Magic.
This FU is a prevention FU, if you are going somewhere or expecting that the five poisons attack will be heavy, you can carry this FU with you to repel these bad energies away from you. In another word, it repel the unwanted Goo magick, the spiritual bugs that messes up your soul and brainwashs you. Watch a video lesson to learn more about Goo Magic.
Burn this FU over the Fuk Luk Sau statue to deploy the actual gods into the three statues and have them stay home to empower the family. Watch a video lesson to learn about Fuk Luk Sau.
This FU invokes the Fuk Luk Sau 3 gods to give you support in life, carry this FU with you and you will get a boost in all three fields. Watch a video lesson to learn about Fuk Luk Sau.
FU talismans don’t have a fixed expiration date like milk or bread. They are a ticket of request for help from the divine, and their effectiveness is rooted in your faith. The more faith you show and demonstrate, the more help you can receive from the gods.
However, if the FU becomes physically worn out or damaged, it’s time to replace it with a new one. Typically, talismans like the Career FU or Wellness FU last about a year. Most FU talismans don’t last beyond a year due to the energy output linked to your initial offering.
Once a FU talisman is no longer needed, simply throw it into the trash or dispose it like your regular papers. If you have experienced significant blessings and help from the divine, you can always do an offering to thank them for the help.