Secured Lease and Monetization Program

Secured Bank Instrument Lease and Monetization Program

We are proud to offer leased bank instruments and monetization of bank instruments in our portfolio.

You can select either of these for a Recourse loan at a two percent (2%) interest rate per annum for a period of up to 10 years with up to 4 years of grace. Or a Non-Recourse Loan you won’t have to pay back. We offer a loan worldwide, all countries (including 3rd world countries) are welcome.

Loan to Value (LTV):

  1. Recourse loan LTV: 80% of the Face Value.
  2. Non-Recourse loan LTV: 65% of the Face Value.

Even though we do everything in-house, these are two separate services (Leasing and Monetization), and one has nothing to do with the other one. The lease bank instruments are something that we do ourselves and the monetization we complete through an attorney-trustee office.

  • Hanson Group can only monetize their own bank instrument via our attorney’s trustees with a minimum face value of 10M and up to 500M maximum per tranche.
  • If the client is leasing the bank instrument from Hanson Group, the client only has to pay for the initial deposit fees, and the attorney-trustee office will pay for the lease instrument cost if your loan is approved.

For leasing a bank instrument from us and obtaining a Recourse or Non-Recourse Loan with the same bank instrument, you will need to do the following to get started:

  1. Initial application (Bank Instrument – Leased Application), once submitted, takes from 24 to 72 working hours for compliance approval.

  2. After application approval client has 3 days to submit payment.

  3. Once your bank instrument lease agreement has been cut on your behalf, you will be given another application for the bank instrument monetization and the recourse or non-recourse loan; once submitted, it takes another 72 working hours for compliance approval.

  4. It takes 35 banking days to process the leasing of the bank instrument via Euroclear or 7 banking days via Swift after receiving payment.

  5. It takes 30 banking days via Euroclear or 14 banking days via Swift for the monetization process of the bank instrument.

  6. A total of 65 working days via Euroclear or 21 banking days via Swift after payment is received. Note that the days are banking days, and weekends or holidays are counted.

Important Information:

1. Loan approval is most likely to be approved since you lease the bank instrument from us.

2. Lease instrument cost (minus the initial deposit) will be paid directly to us from your first loan disbursement if your loan is approved.


We Protect Our Client Deposits Fully Through 3 Levels of Protection

You never have to worry about your security with our three levels of protection:

  1. A Two Percent (2%) Non-Performance Penalty
    • Two Percent (2%) damage fee will apply to a Party that fails to perform. The 2% shall apply in both cases, either when the Provider has sent a Corporate Invoice which the Beneficiary’s Bank will not respond or pay, and/or when the Beneficiary’s Bank is ready, willing, and able to receive the BANK INSTRUMENTS and no BANK INSTRUMENTS is delivered from the Providers Bank by SWIFT MT-760, DTC, Euroclear or Bloomberg.
  2. A Program to Refund Deposits (all our agreements are Bank Endorsed (confirmable) with full bank responsibility as an insurance wrap)
    • With our agreement with banks, that bank becomes responsible for payment when the transaction becomes complete.
    • When a bank endorsed an agreement, the bank becomes responsible before the client pays our company any fees. We are the only Bank Instrument Facilitators in the WORLD that guarantee 100% of your initial deposit through bank endorsement before the client releases any payment.
  3. Attorneys Client Trust Account
    • Once your agreement is approved by the compliance department, and bank endorsed, the payment is to be made ONLY AND EXCLUSIVELY to an attorney’s office client trust account. These banking coordinates will be provided directly from a Hanson Group compliance officer (CCO), and they will be included inside your Invoice.

This Refund Deposit  Program protects our clients and makes sure that the deposits are completely safe.



Brokers & Consultants:

    • Respected in the Industry
    • Larger Commissions 
    • You Won’t Be Just Another Broker in a Chain

Loan Disbursement:

  1. 21 days after confirmation and authentication of the MT-760, we release the first disbursement (20% of the loan).
  2. 30 days after the first disbursement, we release the second disbursement (20% of the loan).
  3. The remaining 60% of the loan will be divided into ten (10) months and will be disbursed every 30 days after the second disbursement.

Recourse Loan Disbursements Example (100 Million Euros – With a Hanson Group Leasing Bank Instrument):

Lease Bank instrument face value: €100,000,000.00
Recourse Loan disbursement LTV (80%): €80,000,000.00
Loan commission fees (5%): €4,000,000.00
Lease instrument cost (8+2%): €10,000,000.00

Total Loan Disbursement: €66,000,000.00

Example of Recourse Loan Disbursement Schedule:

Recourse Loan Disbursements Amount in Euros Date of Disbursements
Loan 1st Disbursement: €13,200,000.00 20% of the loan in 21 days after received and authentication of the MT760.
Loan 2nd Disbursement: €13,200,000.00 20% of the loan 30 days after the 1st disbursement.
Loan 3rd Disbursement: €3,960,000.00 30 days after the 2nd disbursement.
Loan 4th Disbursement: €3,960,000.00 30 days after the 3rd disbursement.
Loan 5th Disbursement: €3,960,000.00 30 days after the 4th disbursement.
Loan 6th Disbursement: €3,960,000.00 30 days after the 5th disbursement.
Loan 7th Disbursement: €3,960,000.00 30 days after the 6th disbursement.
Loan 8th Disbursement: €3,960,000.00 30 days after the 7th disbursement.
Loan 9th Disbursement: €3,960,000.00 30 days after the 8th disbursement.
Loan 10th Disbursement: €3,960,000.00 30 days after the 9th disbursement.
Loan 11th Disbursement: €3,960,000.00 30 days after the 10th disbursement.
Loan 12th Disbursement: €3,960,000.00 30 days after the 11th disbursement.

Non-Recourse Loan Disbursements Example (100 Million Euros – With a Hanson Group Leasing Bank Instrument):

Lease Bank instrument face value: €100,000,000.00
Non-Recourse Loan disbursement LTV (65%): €65,000,000.00
Loan commission fees (5%): €3,250,000.00
Lease instrument cost (8+2%): €10,000,000.00

Total Loan Disbursement: €51,750,000.00

Example of Non-Recourse Loan Disbursement Schedule:

Loan Disbursements Amount in Euros Date of Disbursements
Loan 1st Disbursement: €10,350,000.00 20% of the loan in 21 days after received and authentication of the MT760.
Loan 2nd Disbursement: €10,350,000.00 20% of the loan 30 days after the 1st disbursement.
Loan 3rd Disbursement: €3,105,000.00 30 days after the 2nd disbursement.
Loan 4th Disbursement: €3,105,000.00 30 days after the 3rd disbursement.
Loan 5th Disbursement: €3,105,000.00 30 days after the 4th disbursement.
Loan 6th Disbursement: €3,105,000.00 30 days after the 5th disbursement.
Loan 7th Disbursement: €3,105,000.00 30 days after the 6th disbursement.
Loan 8th Disbursement: €3,105,000.00 30 days after the 7th disbursement.
Loan 9th Disbursement: €3,105,000.00 30 days after the 8th disbursement.
Loan 10th Disbursement: €3,105,000.00 30 days after the 9th disbursement.
Loan 11th Disbursement: €3,105,000.00 30 days after the 10th disbursement.
Loan 12th Disbursement: €3,105,000.00 30 days after the 11th disbursement.

Read the Leased Bank Instrument Monetization Application & Agreement Below


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