Memory and  self-talk survey
WWelcome to this short survey on memory and self-talk, and thank you for your participation!

The purpose of this survey is to test a hypothesis about the relationship between memory types and self-talk. The survey is composed of four sections and some general questions at the end. It will take about 7 minutes to complete this survey and your answers will be kept confidential.
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First, a section about  your memory: *
Strongly disagree
Disagree somewhat
Neither agree nor disagree
Agree somewhat
Agree strongly
In general, my ability to navigate is better than most of my family or friends.
I usually can learn and repeat facts easily, even if I don't remember where I learned them.
I am highly confident in my ability to remember past events of my life.
I have no trouble remembering where I have put things.
I am very good at remembering the content of news articles and broadcasts.
I am very good at remembering information about people that I know (e.g., the names of a co-worker's children, etc.).
After I have visited an area, it is easy for me to find my way around the second time I visit.
In general I can easily remember information I have learned at school or work.
After reading a book or seeing a movie, I can tell the story in detail to someone.
If my route to work or school was blocked, I could easily find the next fastest way to get there.
I think I have a large vocabulary in my native language compared to others.
I am usually able to remember exactly where I read or heard a specific thing.
When I remember events, I remember a lot of details.
I can easily remember the names of famous people (sports figures, politicians, celebrities).
This section concerns your modes of thought: *
Strongly disagree
Disagree somewhat
Neither agree nor disagree
Agree somewhat
Agree strongly
I often enjoy the use of mental pictures to reminisce.
I often talk to myself when I am proud of something I've done.
I can close my eyes and easily picture a scene that I have experienced.
When I remember an event, I can also reexperience some of the feelings associated with it.
When I think about someone I know well, I instantly see their face in my mind.
I often talk to myself to review things that have happened in the recent past.
My mental images are very vivid and photographic.
I often talk to myself to anticipate what someone will say and how I'll respond.
I can feel a negative emotion when I imagine something negative (e.g., feeling disgusted if I think of a spider).
I often think about problems in my mind in the form of a conversation with myself.
I can feel a positive emotion when I imagine something positive (for example, feeling proud if I think of an achievement).
If I talk to myself in my head, it is usually accompanied by visual imagery.
I like to give myself some down time to talk through thougths in my mind.
I think I feel emotions more strongly than most people.

This section is about your  self-awareness:
Strongly disagree
Disagree somewhat
Neither agree nor disagree
Agree somewhat
Agree strongly
It seems that I am frequently “running on automatic pilot,” without much awareness of what I’m doing.
Most of the time, I have a vivid sensation of my own presence, my own self.
I often daydream while doing daily tasks.
I often find myself doing something and can't remember why.
Most of the time I am well aware of what I am doing and why I am doing it.
When I am busy doing something I enjoy or something that I am very focused on, I often completely lose track of the time.
I start doing tasks that I don't intend to do because they are more common tasks that closely resemble the intended task (i.e. open the wrong app on my phone).

This section is about your personality:
Strongly disagree
Disagree somewhat
Neither agree nor disagree
Agree somewhat
Agree strongly
I am the life of the party.
I sympathize with others’ feelings.
I get chores done right away.
I have frequent mood swings.
I have a vivid imagination.
I don’t talk a lot.
I am not interested in other people’s problems.
I often forget to put things back in their proper place.
I am relaxed most of the time.
I am not interested in abstract ideas.
I talk to a lot of different people at parties.
I feel others’ emotions.
I like order.
I get upset easily.
I have difficulty understanding abstract ideas.
I tend to keep in the background when I'm in a group.
I am not really interested in others.
I make a mess of things.
I seldom feel blue.
I have a very limited imagination


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What is the highest degree or level of education you have completed?

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How old are you?

In what country do you currently reside?

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