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January 2015



Message From Lion Dennis Dulniak - President

Nona’s Eagle Creek Golf Club

 Weekly Bingo on Thursday nights – 6:45 pm St.

Alban’s Church Hall on SR 436 (Aloma Ave.)

 Monthly Eye Clinics on the 2nd Wednesday at

the Orange Blossom Family Health Center

 $1,000 Book Scholarships to graduating Seniors

at Oviedo, Winter Springs and Paul J. Hagerty

High Schools

 Eye glass and hearing aid collection from over

40 Central Florida sites along with the

subsequent sorting by teams of Lions and other


So how about it? If you are interested in hearing more

about the Oviedo-Winter Springs Lions Club or

Lionism, willing to do more for your community and

join forces with over 1.3 million other Lions worldwide

for our common “We Serve” motto ... come meet with

us, join our Pride and share in the joys and satisfactions

we continue to deliver to our communities. We need

your support, commitment and active involvement ...

please accept my invitation. RSVP and questions

welcome: Lion Dennis Dulniak, call 407-971-9966 or


Yours in Lionism,

Lion Dennis Dulniak

President 2014-2015

Please Join Us On February 3, 2015

elcome One –

Welcome All ... share in our

Lions Service!

I am truly proud of the work and

contributions our Oviedo-Winter

Springs Lions Club continues to

perform, accomplish and deliver

throughout the Central Florida region!

Though relatively small by Lions standards (just

under 30 members), we continue to “Strengthen the

Pride” with the addition of our newest Lions

Elizabeth Savage and Maria Palo and recent Missouri

transfers Lions Pat and Joe Schulte. We most

welcome visitors and prospective members to attend

one of our meetings as my guest or in conjunction

with an

invitation by a fellow Lion who has accepted Joe

Preston’s “Ask 1” challenge,

our Lions International

President; in fact, we’ll even buy your first dinner

with us. We meet each 1st and 3rd Tuesday night at

6:30pm for Pride Social and 7pm Meeting at the Twin

Rivers Golf Club Grill, 2100 Ekana Drive, Oviedo.

Among our latest Club projects:

 3

rd Annual Charity Golf Tournament at Lake

t our regular Oviedo-Winter

Springs Lions meeting on

February 3rd our guest speaker will

be the Founder of Fairways for

Warriors. Since we were able to host

12 Wounded Warriors at the 3rd

Annual Golf Tournament, it will be

interesting to learn about the organization and how they help

Warriors to have a better quality of life. Please join us at our


We usually have a speaker the first Tuesday of the month.

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Oviedo-Winter Springs Lions

2014-2015 Club Officers

President: Lion Dennis Dulniak 407 971-9966

Immediate Past President: Lion Ted Erion


st Vice President: Lion Pat Stamm


nd Vice President: Lion Vish Punit


rd Vice President: Lion Charles Sheaves

Secretary: Lion Denise Garland

Treasurer: Lion Vern Hysell

Membership: Lion Dot Myers, PDP

2 Year Director: Lion Dee Hulbert

2 Year Director: Lion Tom Conaughty

1 Year Director: Lion Paul Schwimmer

Lion Tamer: Lion Ann Goodwin-Erik

Tail Twister: Lion Dee Hulbert

Appointed Club Positions:

Bingo Chair: Lion Tom Conaughty

Book Scholarship Chair: TBD

Budget Committee Chair: Lion Ted Erion

Charity Committee Chair: Lion Pat Stamm

Chaplain: Lion Richard Challis

Eye Chair: Lion Paul Schwimmer

Eyeglass Collection Chair: Lion Dee Hulbert

Golf Tournament: Lions Pat Stamm & Ted Erion

Gumball Machines: Lion Jack Elliott

Lions Pride Day Chair: TBD

Publicity: Lions Dianne & Bill Christian

Sunshine/Pride Chair: Lion Ann Goodwin-Erik

White Cane Chair: Lion Ted Erion

35-O District Governor

Lion Carolyn Lloyd

321 298 4223

35-O 1st Vice District Governor

Lion Jacquie Tripp

386 316-5810

35-O 2nd Vice District Governor

Lion Steve Hilaire

407 715-1422

Region 3 Chair

Lion Norman Orel

386 427-0217

Zone 7 Chair

Lion Ted Erion

407 366-0761

District Website:

Multiple District 35 Website:

Lions International Website:


his Newsletter is published, edited and

printed by CBD Printing, LLC for the

Oviedo-Winter Springs Lions Club.

Lions Dianne & Bill Christian

Newsletter Co-Editors CBD Printing, LLC

407 207-1100 Fax: 407 207-9100

hank You Twin Rivers Golf Club in Oviedo

for allowing the Oviedo-Winter Springs Lions

Club to meet at your restaurant twice a month. The

service and food is super.


 Code of Ethics 

TO SHOW my faith in the worthiness of my vocation by industrious

application to the end that I may merit a reputation for quality of


TO SEEK success and to demand all fair remuneration or profit as

my just due, but to accept no profit or success at the price of my own

self-respect lost because of unfair advantage taken or because of

questionable acts on my part.

TO REMEMBER that in building up my business it is not necessary

to tear down another’s; to be loyal to my clients or customers and true

to myself.

WHENEVER a doubt arises as to the right or ethics of my position

or action towards others, to resolve such doubt against myself.

TO HOLD friendship as an end and not a means. To hold that true

friendship exists not on account of the service performed by one to

another, but that true friendship demands nothing but accepts service

in the spirit in which it is given.

ALWAYS bear in mind my obligations as a citizen to my nation, my

state and my community, and to give them my unswerving loyalty in

word, act and deed. To give them freely of my time, labor, and


TO AID others by giving my sympathy to those in distress, my aid to

the weak, and my substance to the needy.

TO BE CAREFUL with my criticism and liberal with my praise, to

build up and not destroy

2014 OWS Lions Community Service Highlights

eing a Lion is more than just a title. The Oviedo-Winter Springs

Lions Club works hard to give meaning to the Lions motto “We

Serve.” The Lions of Oviedo-Winter Springs perform many services

to the community in a variety of areas including: sight, hearing,

scholarships, attending meetings and fundraising to support the

various community service activities. An audit of the time spent in

delivering these services and raising the money required to make it all

happen reveals some impressive results. A listing of the major service

activities and the fundraisers with the corresponding hours devoted to

make it all happen is tabulated below:

 Eye glass collection 115 hours

 Eye glass sorting 225 hours

 Lions Eye Clinic 480 hours

 Hearing board 350 hours

 Book Scholarship 40 hours

 White Cane Day 100 hours

 Bingo 900 hours

 Golf Tournament 410 hours

 Pride Day 160 hours

 Meetings (local club) 1100 hours

The numbers are estimates based on the crew size, the duration of

the activity and the frequency of the activity. These numbers do not

include attendance at District, State and International Lions meeting

which includes events such as District meetings, State conventions,

Governors Conference, etc.

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roject Right to Sight is an entity of Florida Lions

District 35-O. Project Right to Sight conducts a Lions

Community Eye Clinic each month at the Orange Blossom

Family Health Care Center located at 252 North Orange

Blossom Trail, Orlando, Florida. Effective operation of a

day at the Clinic requires between 8 to 10 volunteer Lions

to process patients, pull the glasses from inventory and

transport them to the Clinic. Lions Eye Clinic patients

receive a Doctors eye exam and are usually fitted with

glasses on the day of the exam. In 2014 the Oviedo

Winter Springs Lions Club funded 168 patients at $25

each at the Lions Community Eye Clinic. A typical Clinic

day fits 30 to 35 patients with glasses at no cost to the

patient. The $25 is for the Doctor. The glasses are

reconditioned used eyeglasses collected as part of Project

Right to Sight used eye glass collection program.

Project Right to Sight Lions go to great lengths to

provide good quality glasses to their patients. A basic

criteria used by the Lions is, “If you would not put the

glasses on your own face throw them away.” On

average the Lions retain 46 per cent of the glasses

collected. This means that in order to provide the 30,000

pair of good glasses each year the Lions need to collect

and sort 66,000 pairs of raw stock. Project Right to

Sight has provided an average of 30,000 pair of

reconditioned used eye glasses to patients worldwide

each year since 1995. That requires a lot of hours

collecting, sorting, packaging and transporting.

Volunteer Lions are always welcome to assist.

The Oviedo-Winter Springs Lions Club has played a

major role in the development and continued support of

the Lions Community Eye Clinic since its opening in

2006. This clinic is available for use by all Lions Club’s

eye patients in Multiple District 35- O.

Project Right to Sight & the Oviedo - Winter Springs Lions Club by Lion Ted Erion

t the District 35-O Cabinet meeting on January 17th, Lion Mary Yochum from the

Florida Lions Conklin Centers presented Lion Ted Erion with a Life Member Award

for his “Generous and Dedicated Support.” We are so proud of Lion Ted who has received

multiple Awards from Lions International, the Multiple District, District 35-O as well as

club awards. A TRUE LION Thru and Thru. Thanks Lion Ted for showing the true

meaning of “We Serve.”

Congratulation Past Oviedo-Winter Springs President Lion Ted Erion

What is the Conklin Centers for the Blind?

heir Mission is to help children and adults who are blind with additional disabilities

be independent and contributing citizens.

Their Purpose: To help our students to discover and develop their true potential through training and support. Each student is

unique in their abilities and needs, yet they all share the same vision – to be productive, contributing members of the

community. They want to work and have their own home or apartment. They want to be in charge of their life, to make

decisions for themselves. They want to live with dignity.

At the Conklin Center we teach daily living and vocational skills that our adult students need to live on their own and offer

lifelong supported employment and supported living services to ensure long-term success.

The Center’s Early Intervention “Blind Babies” Program helps blind and visually impaired infants and toddlers develop the

skills they will need to successfully enter pre-school, kindergarten and elementary school ready to learn alongside our non- disabled children. The Center works directly with the families of these children in their homes so they can provide an

enriching learning environment that encourages independence early on.

Their vision for the future is to reduce dependence on institutional or homebound care.

For more about the Conklin Centers for the Blind go to

Our Club’s Annual Holiday Party held on December 16, 2014

ur Annual Holiday Party

was held at Stefano’s

Trattoria in Winter Springs.

“True Lions Fellowship” was in

full swing with most of our club

members present, as well as their

spouses, significant others, and

guest. We had wonderful music

provided by , and Tasty Italian


A perfect way to celebrate the

Holiday Season with friends.

King Lion Dennis

Dulniak & wife Nancy