The Kindness Wall: Teaching children to use their #StrongMind, #StrongWords, and #StrongHeart.

One kind word can change someone’s entire day!

When I do a Book Reading or Kindy Visit, I bring with me ‘The Kindness Wall’.


With the help of an adult, the children write or draw a message of kindness. This message can be for anyone they choose and should be positive, loving or kind. One by one, each message is added to the wall.

Why do I do this?


It adopts all the principles within my latest picture book, ‘The Strongest Boy’ of using your #StrongMind, #StrongWords and #StrongHeart.


It promotes early literacy skills. Even though most children I work with can’t write yet, they can draw, use expressive and receptive language skills and interpret the meaning of the story “The Strongest Boy”.


It encourages children to use positive language which leads to a positive mindset.


Being kind to others helps improves self-esteem and gives children a sense of self and sense of purpose.


It is a mood lifter. When people see a wall created solely for the purpose of being kind, they become uplifted and puts a smile instantly on their face. Everyone always loves to see what wonderful messages the children have created on their own.


Spreading kindness is contagious and creates a happiness ripple effect. The kindness giver and the receiver feel happy, as well as the teachers and parents. Nearby children often want to join in as well, and the happiness continues. 😊


The biggest reason for starting the kindness wall, however, is that it is my counter-attack to online bullying and trolling. Recent statistics show that more than 1 out of 3 young people have been threatened online (Source : GuardChild) – that number is astounding to me! And since I have 3 children, if these statistics are true then at least one of them will be subject to online bullying and trolling. Well, not on my watch!!!

It is important now more than ever, that from a very young age children get into the habit of writing kind words to each other.

I would love to see a kindness wall up in every daycare, kindergarten and school where children can freely write kind messages or draw pictures for each other at any time of the day.

I would love for kindness to be second nature and for kindness to be everybody’s automatic response to others.


The walls don’t have to be like this one and can be made quite easily. Some ideas to make your own include:

  • Large roll of butcher’s paper
  • Blackboard
  • Whiteboard
  • Giant Corkboard
  • Paint a brick wall onto paper and have it laminated
  • Set up the interactive whiteboard

Kindness is a gift, everyone can afford to give!
