Gunnedah Council Street Tree Strategy

Gunnedah Shire Council has engaged Stewart Surveys Pty Ltd to update the Street Tree Strategy  for the Shire. The strategy aims to guide the embellishment of key vehicular entry points, public parks and streets within Gunnedah, Breeza, Carroll, Curlewis, Mullaley, Tambar Springs and the surrounding villages and localities.

Street trees are an important natural asset that improve the amenity of our streets and add value to the character of our communities. This strategy aims to strengthen Gunnedah Shire Council’s commitment to sustainability by enhancing the existing street tree coverage within the shire. This in turn will improve the appeal and livability of the urban spaces by reducing the heat island effect during summer months and provide increased habitat and well-being benefits. 

We are seeking community input for the strategy by completing this short survey. 

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Gunnedah from Porcupine Lookout

How important is having Street Trees to you?

Not Important
Very Important
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What is your vision for the Street Trees in Gunnedah Shire over the next 20 years?

What is your overall opinion on the current Street Tree plantings in the shire?

Jacaranda Street trees in Albion Street, Gunnedah
Do you think future street tree plantings should have a theme?
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If yes, what themes would you like to see in Gunnedah (examples: varying tree colour, native, deciduous, evergreen etc.)

What species of Street trees would you like to see in the Gunnedah Streets?

Bindea Place, Gunnedah (No Street tree plantings)
Some say Street Trees damage infrastructure and should be planted in residential properties rather then on the street.  As a result some newly constructed streets in Gunnedah have no Street trees. Do you think developers should be required to plant street trees or trees should be located on private property? 
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Do you think the entrances to the Towns and Villages in the shire are attractive? If not, what improvements would you like to see?
Are you happy with the Street Trees in the CBD area (Conadilly Street and approaching side streets)? What improvements would you like to see?

Are you happy with the Street Trees in your residential area? What improvements would you like to see?

What can be done better to improve the streetscapes in the shire?

Thank you for your input in this strategy
Further opportunities to have input will be invited when the draft strategy is placed on community consultation. 
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