Bull of Apis Bull of Bronze Fractal Ouroboros

Bull of Apis Bull of Bronze Explore "The Fractal Ouroboros" With Infinitely Consuming Black Metal (Early Album Stream)

There is a distinct atmosphere attached to The Fractal Ouroboros. A 'vibe,' if you will. It's the feeling of disharmony, of loose chaos knit together with severe order. On Bull of Apis Bull of Bronze's sophomore album, swirling mystery comes paired with cruel, austere tones and somber structures. At points the record feels like a soundtrack to ritual sacrifice; at others, an ode to sleep paralysis demons that tinges on the psychedelic. It is always, however, unsettling, with that sense of disharmony joined by a feeling that the listener is experiencing something they shouldn't. We're streaming the whole album here (ahead of its Winter Solstice release), so ignore that feeling and go ahead and listen.



Drums and bass factor heavily into the record's sound, giving it a muscular punch whether delivering blast beats or minimalist ostinatos in the more shoegaze-y sections. Though the formalized ass-beating that tracks like "Trophy" offer is exhilarating, their violence comes with extra weight when compared against slower, drone-heavy tracks like "Liberation," which definitely slants toward the ritual sacrifice side. The excellent pacing and structure is a major part of The Fractal Ouroboros' impact: the peaks here are exhausting, and the torturous ascents and uncontrolled descents multiply their effect.


The Fractal Ouroboros releases December 21st via Fiadh Productions.

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