Registration - ReInHerit Webinar: "European Capitals of Culture as a space for connecting tourism, cultural heritage and creative industries"

Please fill out the form to register to the free ReInHerit webinar "European Capitals of Culture as a space for connecting tourism, cultural heritage and creative industries." The webinar takes place on 8th September 2023 - from 3:00-4:00 pm CET and is facilitated by  Rita Orlando - Michaela Podolakova - Josephine Hage  Paolo Montemurro - MateraHub Italy

Registration is open until 7th September 2023 (3 pm) More information about the webinar HERE

Please note that the webinar is limited to 50 participants on a first come, first serve basis. 

The webinar will be held in English without subtitles.

This webinar will be recorded and the recording will be available on

You will receive further details and an invitation to participate prior to the webinar in a separate e-mail from the webinar platform For further information, please visit  or contact us at

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ReInHerit H2020 - Redefining the Future of Cultural Heritage
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