SACCORD Local Ecosystem Partnership - We want to hear from you!

Skills are fundamental in preparing individuals for the evolving dynamics of the labour market and fostering economic resilience amidst demographic shifts and accelerating transitions.

Lifelong learning must be accessible to everyone. This accessibility is especially crucial for the Cultural and Creative Industries (CCIs) ecosystem, which is characterised by its diversity, breadth, and a high number of micro-organisations and self-employed individuals. These factors often lead to temporary contracts and relatively low incomes compared to other sectors. The SACCORD project is exploring how micro-credentials can address these challenges and support lifelong learning within our sector.

We invite you to participate in this brief 60-second questionnaire to share your insights!

Thank you for your contribution!


Before you move on to the first question, please take your time to read some definitions we put as below:

1. Public Authorities and Policy Makers: Governments and regulatory bodies at national, regional, and local levels responsible for policy-making and implementation related to skills development and workforce training.

2. Companies: Private sector entities ranging from small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to larger corporations operating within the EU, encompassing various industries and sectors, particularly those within the Cultural and Creative Industries (CCIs).

3. Social Partners: Organizations representing the interests of workers, including trade unions, employee associations, and other labor-related entities involved in negotiating and advocating for improved working conditions, including training and skills development.

4. Educational Institutions: Schools, universities, vocational training centers, and other educational establishments responsible for providing formal and informal learning opportunities, as well as developing curricula aligned with the needs of the labor market. Especially the Lifelong Learning like VET organisations are of prior interest.

5. Cultural and Creative Industries (CCIs) Workforce: This includes individuals and creatives who represent the interest of SMEs in various roles within the CCIs. These roles can be artists, creators, technicians, administrators, managers, and other professionals in both commercial and non-commercial sectors.

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Where are you from *
Who are you representing?
Are you familiar with the concept of lifelong learning? (All learning activities undertaken throughout life with the aim of improving knowledge, skills and competences)

How beneficial do you think the option to ‘stack’ lifelong learning activities into a larger qualification could be for employability?


How important is it for lifelong learning opportunities to offer flexible learning options (such as online, part-time, or hybrid formats)?


Have you heard about micro-credentials?

Feel free to share the insights/questions you may have...

Are you curious to find out more? Join our seminar on:

"Tiny Credentials, Big Impact: Revolutionizing the Creative Landscape"

Discovering the Benefits for Everyone: Learners, Teachers, Industry Professionals, and Policymakers

DATE: 25th November 2024 11:00 - 12:30 (CET)

Programme details and registration here
In collaboration with Creative Pact for Skills 
For your further understanding, you can check the definition of micro-credential introduced by European Commission as below...
A micro-credential “is the record of the learning outcomes that a learner has acquired following a small volume of learning. These learning outcomes have been assessed against transparent and clearly defined standards. Courses leading to micro-credentials are designed to provide the learner with specific knowledge, skills and competences that respond to societal, personal, cultural or labour market needs. Micro-credentials are owned by the learner, can be shared and are portable. They may be standalone or combined into larger credentials. They are underpinned by quality assurance following agreed standards in the relevant sector or area of activity".
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