This form MUST be filled out by August 15, 2024. This form is used for all students needing a ride on the yellow bus, new and returning bus riders.
If this form is NOT filled out by August 15, 2024 you will NOT have busing the first week of school!
This form will close on August 15, 2024 at 3pm and will reopen to sign up again on September 9, 2024.
Busing takes up to 5 business days to get scheduled and for your student(s) to ride the bus. Once this form is completed, please download the My Ride K-12 app. Once we have your student(s) ready to ride, you will receive an email from Bus Dispatch with the information and your student(s) ID number. Then you can sign into the APP, enter your student(s) ID number and you can verify your student(s) information.
My Ride K-12 - User Guide
My Ride K-12 - User Guide Spanish
Yellow bus service is provided for all student(s) living OVER:
2 miles for grades 9-12
1.5 miles for grades 5-8
1 mile for grades KG-4
Door to door service within the city limits is ONLY eligible for 3K & 4K students.
If you live 2 miles, 1.5 miles, or 1 mile and UNDER (shown above), you will be a walker to your school.
Any students eligible for transportation may be required to walk up to ½ mile (from the end of the driveway to the pick-up point) to reach a bus stop.
***If you are a multi school family and want a one spot pick up option, please call bus dispatch 715-536-6870.***