PWNAGE Fundraising Progress Worksheet
This worksheet will help you engage in conversations with potential funding partners.
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This worksheet takes you through the process step by step.
Remember to click SUBMIT (at bottom of worksheet)
Remember to save the unique ID after updating.
The "5 S" Process
Student name
Name of Business
Business URL. If you found the right URL for the business, please note it here.
Contact Info [1] (name, number, etc)
Contact Info [2] (name, number, etc)
QUICK NOTE FOR PEOPE WHO HAVE ALREADY USED THE OTHER (OLDER) REPORTING WORKSHEET. If you are already filling the old worksheet, please update Mr. Yamamoto [] and Mr. Coolidge [] on your progress by email or in the answer space below: describe your progress and add today's date. Once you do that, you do not need to keep working in this form (worksheet) since you are submitting the older worksheet. If you're NOT using the older worksheet, please continue below. You don't need to answer this box – AND you don't need to fill in the older worksheet.
STUDY: What does this company do?
STUDY: Evidence that this company sponsors "community activities"? If yes, what?
STUDY: Any hints at what this company may be interested in supporting?
STUDY: Any natural areas of overlap w/PWNAGE (at least to start the conversation)?
CONGRATULATIONS! You have finished the "STUDY" stage. Now you are ready to have some conversations! You may want to print the information you collected above to help you.
When did you finish this stage?
START (the conversation): You need to get to the "right person" to talk to. This may involve asking each person who the best person to talk to is until you get to the right person. ("Asking contacts for better contacts.") Keep a record of who, their contact info, and the date you talked to them here. (You can keep coming back to this worksheet and adding to this answer.)
START: Start by introducing your name, and ASK "How are you?" (And feel free to talk in free-form a bit depending on how they answer.) Then note that you are a high school student and ask whether it's all right if you asked a few questions about their company. (Assuming they say yes-->) Say a few appreciative things about the company (showing that you've studied them), but then ask whether the company supports "community engagement" or "community activities" and note that you are asking because you are a member of a regional robotics team that provides STEM learning opportunities to youth and wondered whether the company might be open to considering supporting such activities. . . . Note how the beginning ("START") of the conversation went:
SEARCH: Ask a lot of questions about their community engagement and listen carefully. See if your initial guesses (from the "STUDY" portion above) resonates with them. If yes, great! If not, explore where there may be alignment. What are possible areas of alignment? (See "PWNAGE Talking Points" slide below. Keep in mind there may be other possible themes!)
Talking Points Slide for your convenience
SUPPLY: You want to convince them that PWNAGE is really a good match for their community engagement by SUPPLYING them with information, examples, and/or evidence. Don't just "bombard them" with facts, though – do it conversationally! Jot down what you talked about – and how they responded to it here.
SUPPLY or SOLICIT? Gauge whether they have enough interest for another conversation or not. IF they are interested in more information, offer to send more information and ask if you could set up a time for the next conversation. IF they do not seem interested enough for another conversation, BUT may be interested in supporting, then you want to jump to SOLICIT (a couple steps down below). They were:
Batalkan pilihan
SUPPLY – SUPPLEMENTAL: Is there ANY possibility that they would be willing to look at additional material? You can ask if they would be willing to look at a 2-page "Partnership Proposal," a 2-page "Update Report" on last year's successful season, or a brief video presentation of PWNAGE's activities. (IF they are interested, this is worth the extra effort. The more they are engaged, the more possibility that they will give, and give more.) If they express interest, jot down what you offered to send.
SUPPLY – SUPPLEMENTAL: If you had another conversation, jot down here, how it went.
SOLICIT: Ask whether they would be willing to support the team's STEM activities at $500 . . . or whatever figure you think the company can afford – be bold and aspirational. Write down their response.
LEANING NO (for this year): Don't immediately give up. Given the discussion you've had, ask whether they can imagine the possibility of aligned interests in the future, how the team might better present a case, and (if you think there is possibility of alignment) whether it would be all right if the team were to contact them again next year. . . .  Jot down here your notes on whether the company should be contacted in the future (and what themes the next person should consider when contacting them).
CLEAR NO: First of all – don't feel bad! It's their loss! Second, can you write down the reason? Is it that they don't support any community engagement activities at all? Or was there clearly no alignment possible? Etc. This will help us with future engagement.
COMPLETELY DONE with this conversation? Congratulations. Please note the end date.
Remember to jot down the Unique Form ID.
[Admin: Do not change this number.]
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