
Sketchy's Thingamabob


Don't expect much from me. I dunno what this is either

“May I please draw your OC?”

Reblog this message if you encourage anyone that wants to draw your OC to do so.  No need to ask for permission in advance.

Go for it.  Draw my OC.  If you want, I’ll even give you reference posts.  Go to town on it.

You are welcome to draw my OC and surprise me with the result.  Seriously.  In fact, I encourage it.  I will proudly display whatever it is you submit to me regarding my OC.  There is a chance that I will squeal about it for several days.

Even if you feel you aren’t good at whatever artistic adventure it is you do, please feel free to submit it to me.  I want to see what you have done.


From a person who had unfiltered access to the internet as a kid growing up, I can tell you if I was told I could have a PC friend, I would install that with little hesitation. So, I'm hard pressed to say some random kid would install Kinito seeing how silly he looked. I doodled some of that for y'all today.

Some more spoilery things down below, mayhaps.

We love to see cute platonic stuff of a lad and their virtual assistant axolotl friend.


My friend kinito wanted me to post these sillies I sent him. No he's not making me say this. No i'm not in a digital recreation of my world in which I am stuck with no way out.


I also just want to quickly clarify this. DOXXING IS NOT OK AND I DO NOT CONDONE OR STAND BY IT. I feel like I don't really not to state this, it's obvious why, but in case anyone was unsure. Carry on.


Dude, people who made ask blogs because they wanted to make the equivalent of an ARG where the questions people ask advance the story are so real. I was one of those people. Smh


Deleted the last post because I felt like it was oversharing, haha. I dunno. It's just about me wanting to get assessed for autism. I relate to many symptoms Autistic people have, like being sensitive to texture, walking on my toes, and rocking when I listen to music. Not to diagnosis myself, you should never do that, I was curious enough to take a test on embrace-autism.com. I dunno how accurate it is, but I got a 24 on the Aq and a 94 on the Raads-r. It's enough to get me curious. I want to find out more about myself. Do you have any ideas on how to get assessed?


I'd like to post some Caravan stuff. This story's been a passion project of mine, but I can't describe how. I guess it's in part because I love Halloween so much I felt compelled to show it in some way. I love wholesome yet creepy stuff, and I can go all out with the story. One day, I'll make it a web series. I don't know how to do it, but I can only hope.


Bruh, I just read that some person who drew on MS Paint got fucking doxxed for, *looks at notes* PUTTING THE TOOLBAR OF MS PAINT INTO THE SCREENSHOTS OF THEIR ART??? On TWITTER??? get me the fuck off the platform. I want off. Now. Can I finally leave it now? Please, please, I beg. This shit is too UNHINGED. The FUCK IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE!?

Note, I have no fucking idea what might have actually sparked this but- This shit is just...so depressing.

Please go support them rn.


In other news, I've looking at old stories I've made, and I really wanna do something with these guys.

I kinda feel guilty, in all honesty, for making a bunch of stories and never quite finishing them. My interest in them comes and goes, lmao. But until I do, I can showcase my designs for them. To sum these guys up, these are the three little pigs and they live in your standard modern fantasy. Hailey is the younger, ambitious, and caring farmer, Stix/Stilton is a dude who aspires to be a writer but compares himself too much to his successful siblings, and Brian is the stuck-up asshole brother that owns a bank. Hailey gets kidnapped by the Big Bad Wolf, and Stix goes out to look for her. Standard summary.


Romantic fanfics are cool and all, but found family ones are where it's at. I love nothing more than to see two characters being there for each other and protecting each other because they see each other as family and love each other like siblings. I love seeing younger characters getting taken in and shown love and affection they otherwise don't often get. There is nothing that makes my heart happier than seeing such wholesomeness.


Shout out to my friend OneFiddy for finding my tumblr. TwoFiddy woulda never been able to.

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