North Berkshire Summer Program 2023 is now open for enrollment!
Location: Clarksburg Elementary School, 777 West Cross Road Clarksburg, MA
Hours: Drop off 8:00am - Pick up 3:30pm
Meals: Pending State Approval - free breakfast, lunch, and healthy snacks to all campers
Cost: $150.00/Weekly, unattended days can not be rolled over into another week
Field Trips/Guest Visitors: Will be booked based on weekly themes, included in the weekly cost
Student Cohorts: Will be based on the grade level the camper was in during '22/'23 school year
Age Ranges: To attend this program your student must be 3years old by 8/31/22 - Current 4th grade class
First Come First Serve: This google form will collect registration information in a chronological order.
* Enrollment Opens March 20th - Enrollment Closes June 2nd
* Once grade level cohorts are full a waitlist will be created and you will be contacted if slots become available
* If your student/s summer bill is paid in full by Friday June 2nd - 10% off total tuition
* Your student/s summer bill may be split into as many as 5 equal amounts and be paid weekly as early as 6/5/23
* Summer bills that go unpaid by the Friday prior to Monday of intended enrollment, students will not be allowed to attend and those on the waitlist will be offered the camp slot
* Checks / Cash are accepted, Made payable to "The Town of Clarksburg"
Please fill out this form individually for all students you wish to enroll
Contact Information:
Jordan Rennell