For many website owners, an SEO marketing strategy is the key marketing strategy they embark on. It’s cheaper than paying for ads in many cases and a good strategy will help you rank on the search engine results pages (SERPs). When you rank on the first page of Google, you’re more likely to get organic traffic to click on your site and buy your products and services. But getting to the top of Google takes a smart strategy. Here’s what you can do.

What Is SEO Content?

Search engine optimization (SEO) takes keywords that the public is commonly searching for and includes them in the content on the website. By writing content specifically around keywords, you show the search engines that your site is relevant to what internet searchers are looking for. When you do that, you have a better chance of ranking on the SERPs and driving traffic to your website.

The SEO content is well-written content that includes the keywords or alternative phrasing of the keywords to meet the demands of searches. But it’s more than just inserting keywords into content. There’s a technical part of SEO content that makes sure that URL addresses align with the keywords and that page speeds load quickly. All parts of the content, including the meta description, align with the keywords you are focused on.

Why SEO Content Strategy Is Important

More than two-thirds of all search clicks go to the top three organic search results. This is the core of SEO statistics, and why SEO content is so important. Those searching for answers don’t want to scroll through pages and pages of content looking for the answers to their questions. They want to find answers quickly. Search engines’ algorithms review content to find the best answers to search questions and queries. What the search engines deem to be the best answer is listed as the first search result.

Keep in mind that there may be sponsored results that pop up before the organic results. Consumers have become wise to this tactic and look for the first results that are organic. Then they click them. When the searcher is on your page, they can now be converted into a customer. With good content that answers their questions, you build trust with the reader and if you have the right solutions, readers will buy your products.

How To Create an SEO Content Strategy

Let’s delve into the nuts and bolts of creating a winning SEO strategy.

Perform a Site Audit on SEO

The first thing that you need to do is to perform a site audit. A site audit serves as a road map of what to do as it tells you what to work on and helps you determine KPIs critical to success. A site audit will look at many different aspects of the website.

The first thing it does is look at the site name, age and history. Older sites with good practices are in better initial shape than a new site or one that hasn’t adhered to the best practices of developing content.

The site audit will also take a look at page factors. Page factors include things such as headlines, user engagement and general keyword targeting. Websites with clear headlines that focus on keywords and have good user engagement are poised for success.

The content itself is then reviewed. The audit looks at how content is organized in sitemaps and whether or not the content is meeting the needs of readers. A review of content also looks at images used in the content. Stock photography can be detrimental to the goals of the SEO content campaign if they are used on many sites around the web. Images should also be optimized properly for quick loading. Auditors are also looking for duplicate content, which is not good for SEO strategies.

The audit also looks at website architecture. The site should be easy to navigate and find usable content. It also considers technical aspects such as schema and markup. The audit will also want to see the current click-through rate (CTR).

In the audit, the quality of inbound links will be considered. A list of spam links will be made so that you can disavow these links. You want quality external inbound links that give your website credibility. You don’t want the search engines to see you as a spam site.

Start Keyword Research

Keywords can be a single word or a phrase that describes what a searcher is looking for. Keywords inform the search engine as to what your content is about. It needs to address search intent, be relevant and have search volume. Volume is how many times in a month searchers are looking that word or phrase up in a search engine query.

Search intent refers to the intent that the reader has when performing a search. Are they looking for advice? Do they want to buy? Search intent is very important in driving traffic to websites. For example, someone with the search intent of buying car insurance might enter in the term “cheap car insurance.” By understanding the intent, you can create content that matches the need. In this case, a roundup of the best cheap car insurance providers might be something the searcher clicks on to learn more.

Search volume tells you how relevant the term is, and if it is being inquired about a lot. While you may write content for keywords that don’t have a lot of volume, you likely will also target high-volume keywords that are very relevant.

You want your search terms to relate to each other and limit the number of topics that your site addresses. For example, a website about bicycles might explore keywords pertaining to road bicycles and mountain bikes. It would be off-topic to have content about skateboarding too. You want to stay on-topic so that the search engines see you as an expert on the topic.

Establish MVP Pages

Similar to a most valuable player, your website needs most valuable pages (MVPs). These are pages that target the highest-volume keywords and are central landing pages for readers to go to. To identify these pages, think about what your company is known for—or what you want to be known for. A good example of an MVP in SEO content would be category pages on an e-commerce website. Category pages give an overview of the products featured in that category. This type of landing page is better suited for a searcher than an actual product page. They’ll start at the category page and work their way to more specifics if interested.

When you can increase traffic to these MVPs, you’ll be capturing leads of searchers specifically looking to solve certain problems that you address. These pages become the hub for readers to start at and then branch out on your site to more specific solutions.

Perform a Competitive Analysis

It’s important to know what other websites are doing in the topic space your website lives in. Competitors are other websites looking to rank for the same keywords you are targeting. Look at what they are doing and what is working for them. Once you see what is working in the search results, craft your content to be better than theirs so that the search engines see you as the best answer to people’s questions.

Look at the most competitive keywords for your industry and see what content ranks for it. Check out their backlinks to see where they’ve gotten a nod for creating useful content. The more you understand about your competitors, the better able you will be to create a plan that outranks them and beats them at this SEO game.

Think About UX

Your user experience (UX) will go a long way in determining your SEO success. Good content is content that users stay on for a while without going back to SERPs to look for better content. As said previously, your site should be easy to navigate so that once someone is on your site, they can click through to various pages and find the content they are looking for.

A lot of the UX is determined by the site’s architecture. You want a sitemap that makes sense, giving people a hierarchy of content. The broadest content might be informational and as they click through to other content, it becomes more sales oriented, helping them pick a solution to their problem. You don’t want people confused on your website. This means they will likely leave the website quickly and the search engine will not rank you as high.

Bottom Line

There’s a lot that goes into a successful SEO strategy. Work with your website developer to make sure the technical aspects are done properly. Then create compelling copy that serves as a resource for your target audience. This is the best way to get more traffic to your website.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How do I write an SEO content strategy?

You write an SEO content strategy by understanding the purpose of your content. Start by assessing where your site currently stands and what aspects are working and aren’t working. From there, research and list the keywords and phrases that you want to target. Consider the users’ experience to build content that meets their needs and you’ll be on your way to having a solid content strategy.

What is a prime example of an SEO content strategy?

An example of an SEO content strategy is where you have an e-commerce website and you may include reviews and buyer’s guides for your audience to better understand the pros and cons of products. The site is mapped out so that category pages flow to subcategory pages and then product pages. There is no confusion.

What are three primary SEO tactics?

Three primary SEO tactics are:

  1. Backlinking: getting other websites to link to your content
  2. Keyword research: finding the top terms that consumers are looking for answers on
  3. Optimize pages: Everything from content to images should load quickly and consistently