The NRC has both entry-level positions and positions for employees with experience in the workforce in their field. We also hire Senior Executives, Senior Level Staff, and Administrative Judges (legal and technical). You can contact us about SES/SLS Positions. In addition, NRC periodically offers a Senior Executive Service (SES) Candidate Development Program that prepares individuals who have demonstrated exceptional managerial potential for leadership positions at the NRC. Participants in the program will engage in developmental assignments and formal training activities to enhance their executive competencies and to increase their awareness of public policy, programs, and issues. For more information about the SES, see the Guide to SES Qualifications Handbook published by the Office of Personnel Management.
The NRC typically focuses recruitment efforts on engineers, scientists and security professionals. As needs arise within the workforce, vacancy announcements will be posted accordingly.
In addition, the NRC may use Direct Hire Authority (DHA) to recruit for certain hard to fill positions similar to competitive service agencies and appoint candidates directly, without use of standard hiring procedures (rating and ranking and veterans’ preference). A DHA is an Office of Personnel Management (OPM) hiring authority under Title 5 U.S.C. 3304 that allows Federal agencies to fill vacancies in the competitive service when a critical hiring need or severe shortage of candidates exists. Under the DHA, agencies may appoint qualified candidates for specific approved positions without regard to the requirements in title 5 U.S.C. 3309 through 3318, as standard hiring regulations require. DHA limits the authority to only approved positions, which have been identified as a critical need and/or severe shortage. A complete list of those positions is listed on OPM’s Direct Hire Web site.