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Survey for SIRI Workshop
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1. Email address: *
2. Name of the company: *
3. Year of establishment:
4. Website URL:
5. Number of employees: *
6. What is the total number of office workers in your company?
7. In what sector does your company operate? *
8. Is your organization part of a company operating in several countries?

9. What is the indoor size of your main production facility?

10. What is the number of production facilities of your company?
11. Please list the products or services that generate the most revenue for your company.
12. Does your company carry out export activities?
13. Enter the total amount of exports you have realized.  What are your top 5 export destinations and their export percentages?
14. Please mark the turnover of your company in 2023.
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15. Which of the following best describes the main production system of your business? (You can choose more than one).
16. Please answer the following questions about the machine park/retro fit.
a) How old is the oldest machine in your plant? 
b) How old is the newest machine in your plant?   
c) Are there machines already connected to a server? If yes, for what benefit/reason?  
17. Do you have a digital transformation strategy and roadmap for your company?
18. Do you have a digital transformation team with clearly defined roles and responsibilities?
19. Do you have any projects or pilot initiatives for the implementation of digital transformation in your company?
20. In which of the following areas has your factory invested in digitalization and in which areas is it planning to invest in the future? Please select all options that apply.      
21. Which of the following ways is your business preparing for digitalization? Please select all options that apply:
22. Which of the following systems are used
23. What is the ratio of the budget used for Digital Transformation activities in 2023 to the turnover of the same year?
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24. Do you have a process to monitor energy consumption by product, production line, plant?
25. When you analyze your production costs, what is the percentage of energy costs?

26. Please check the following lean production requirements in your factory.

27. Stakeholder Commitment: Who are the key stakeholders and their roles and will they be committed to participating throughout the workshop process through to implementation? 
28. What do you expect from the workshop? 
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