Building a Healthier Community

Double the donation, double the impact.

Building a Healthier Community image


raised towards $18,000 goal




Days Left

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

Double the donation, double the impact.

Building a Healthier Community and a Brighter Future, Together

As Michigan City continues to grow and plan for the future, collaborative efforts are being made to enhance the overall health and well-being of our community. As the YMCA looks to the future, we recognize the need to serve the greater Michigan City area further by addressing critical needs such as food insecurity, poverty, lack of healthcare, and negative health outcomes. Through partnerships, comprehensive programming, and access to healthy resources, we can transform the future of our community.

The YMCA is engaging in a Feasibility Study to evaluate the current and future needs of our residents, and an analysis of the feasibility of constructing and operating a new YMCA in the Greater Michigan City area. The total cost of the study is $35,000, and $5,000 in additional costs related to the study and facilitation of the results. Through a grant from the Unity Foundation of La Porte County, all donations up to $18,000 will be matched dollar for dollar to fund the study.

To be a community united, we must work together. Your support will help the YMCA better understand the needs of the community and work towards creating a brighter future for all residents in Michigan City.

How can you become a catalyst for change in your community?

Donate: Make your tax deductible donation today. Remember that every contribution, no matter how small, can make a difference in achieving the goal.

Spread the word: Share information about the YMCA's feasibility study and fundraising efforts with your friends, family, and social networks. Encourage others to contribute as well.

Fundraising Events: Keep an eye out for any fundraising events or campaigns the YMCA may be organizing in support of this study. Participate or volunteer if possible.

Local Partnerships: Explore whether local businesses, organizations, or community leaders would be interested in contributing to this initiative. Collaboration can help raise significant funds.

Community Involvement: Attend community meetings or events related to this initiative to stay informed and engaged with the YMCA's efforts.