
Fun and fitness. Strengthen your core. Sweat it out.

Our Pilates classes Christchurch are all about fun and improving general fitness. Considered a low-impact exercise, Pilates is not restricted to specific body parts, but it does put an emphasis on strengthening the muscles by concentrating on the core and improving postural alignment, balance and flexibility.

More than just a workout, during our Pilates classes Christchurch, you can use the weight of your own body or specific Pilates equipment. With a number of exercises and stretches, Pilates really is suitable for everyone - from those that are beginners and trying it for the first time, to more advanced techniques for those that have made Pilates a part of their everyday routine. View our Pilates Christchurch schedule by clicking the button below.

Suitable for all skill levels

Pilates is a low-impact exercise, suitable for everyone. There are options for beginners trying it out for the first time, as well as advanced techniques for those that have made Pilates a part of their everyday routine.

Your whole body benefits

Pilates increases your muscle strength and tone, improves flexibility and posture, and can improve your physical coordination and balance.

Find physical and mental balance

The creator of The Pilates Method, Joseph Pilates, describes Pilates as a “complete coordination of body, mind, and spirit”. As well as sculpting your body, Pilates can clear your mind and put you in a state of peace and tranquillity.

Why mat pilates?

We love so much above mat based pilates but one of our favourites is that with only a mat, you can practice anywhere!

How it all started

More than just a workout, during our Pilates classes Christchurch, you can use the weight of your own body or specific Pilates equipment. With a number of exercises and stretches, Pilates really is suitable for everyone - from those that are beginners and trying it for the first time, to more advanced techniques for those that have made Pilates a part of their everyday routine. View our Pilates Christchurch schedule by clicking the button below.

Pilates is a low-impact exercise, suitable for everyone. There are options for beginners trying it out for the first time, as well as advanced techniques for those that have made Pilates a part of their everyday routine.

Pilates increases your muscle strength and tone, improves flexibility and posture, and can improve your physical coordination and balance.