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Green Buying Behavior
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性別 (Gender) *
選擇您的年齡 (Age) *
選擇您獲得的最高學歷 (Education) *
您的職業 (Occupation ) *
您的婚姻狀況 (Marital Status) *
月收入 (台幣) (Monthly income)
1. 以下內容你覺得你會選擇哪個是針對你對 [綠色購買意願(李,2009)]的想法? Green purchase willingness (Lee, 2009) *
非常同意/Strongly Agree
不同意/Disagree Agree
非常不同意/Strongly Disagree
我願意購買回收或可回收包裝的產品。(I am willing to buy products that use recycle/recyclable packaging)
我願意購買不含或具有較少化學成分的產品。( I am willing to buy products that contain no or fewer chemical ingredients)
我願意購買支持公平社區交易的產品/我願意購買反對動物測試的產品。(I am willing to buy products that support fair community trades / I am willing to buy products that are against animal-testing)
我願意購買標有環保標誌的產品。(I am willing to buy products that are labeled as environmentally safe)
我願意購買有機產品。(I am willing to buy organic products)
2. 以下內容你覺得你會選擇哪個是針對你對綠色購買意願的想法? Green Purchase Intention (Chan and Lau, 2000; Chan, 2001; Mostafa, 2006) *
非常同意/Strongly Agree
不同意/Disagree Agree
非常不同意/Strongly Disagree
我會考慮購買產品,因為它們污染較少。( I would consider buying products because they are less polluting.)
由於生態原因,我會考慮改用其他品牌。( I would consider switching to other brands for ecological reasons.)
我會直接去使用綠色產品。( I intend to switch to a green version of a product.)
3. 以下內容你覺得你會選擇哪個是針對你對綠色採購行為的想法呢? Green Purchasing Behaviour (Lee, 2008) *
非常同意/Strongly Agree
不同意/Disagree Agree
非常不同意/Strongly Disagree
當我要購買產品時,我會查看成分標籤,看其中是否包含對環境有害的物品。( When I want to buy a product, I look at the ingredients label to see if it contains things that are environmentally damaging.)
當產品質量相似時,我更喜歡綠色產品而不是非綠色產品。(I prefer green products over non-green products when their product qualities are similar.)
我選擇購買環保產品。(I choose to buy products that are environmentally-friendly.)
我購買綠色產品,即使它們比非綠色產品貴。(I buy green products even if they are more expensive than the non-green ones.)
4. 以下內容你覺得你會選擇哪個是針對你對綠色產品的態度的想法? Attitude towards green products (McCarty and Shrum, 1994) *
非常同意/Strongly Agree
不同意/Disagree Agree
非常不同意/Strongly Disagree
購買產品時,環境保護對我很重要。(Environmental protection is important to me when making product purchases)
我相信綠色產品有助於減少污染(水,空氣等)。(I believe that green products help to reduce pollution (water, air, etc.))
我相信綠色產品有助於拯救自然及其資源。(I believe that green products help to save nature and its resources)
如果有選擇,我會比傳統產品更喜歡綠色產品。(Given a choice, I will prefer a green product over a conventional product)
5.針對主觀規範的概念、你想要選擇哪一個? Subjective norms (Armitage and Conner, 1999) *
非常同意/Strongly Agree
不同意/Disagree Agree
非常不同意/Strongly Disagree
對我很重要的人認為我應該購買綠色產品。(People who are important to me thinks that I should buy green products)
我與人的互動影響我購買綠色產品。(My interaction with people influences me to buy green products)
我的熟人會贊成我購買綠色產品的決定。(My acquaintances would approve of my decision to buy green products)
6. 針對感知的行為控制的概念、你想要選擇哪一個? Perceived behavioral control (Armitage and Conner, 1999) *
非常同意/Strongly Agree
不同意/Disagree Agree
非常不同意/Strongly Disagree
購買綠色產品完全是我的決定。(It is entirely my decision to buy green products)
我不能多花錢購買綠色產品®。(I cannot pay more to buy green products®)
我需要很多時間來尋找綠色產品®。(I require a lot of time to search for green products®)
我對綠色產品標籤的信譽充滿信心(例如:能源效率等級,例如5星級能源效率)。(I am confident about credibility of green product labels ( ex: energy efficient rating such as 5-star energy efficient))
7. 針對綠色購買意願的概念、你想要選擇哪一個? Green purchase intention (Armitage and Conner, 1999) *
非常同意/Strongly Agree
不同意/Disagree Agree
非常不同意/Strongly Disagree
我會直接購買綠色產品。(I intend to buy green products)
我計畫去採購綠色產品。(I plan to purchase green products)
我下次購買時會購買綠色產品。(I will purchase green products in my next purchase)
8. 針對集體主義的概念、你想要選擇哪一個? Collectivism (McCarty and Shrum, 2001; Sharma, 2010) *
非常同意/Strongly Agree
不同意/Disagree Agree
非常不同意/Strongly Disagree
我會為團隊的目標而努力,即使這並不會有個人的讚譽。(I work hard for the goals of a group, even if it does not result in personal recognition)
我是小組活動的合作/參與者。(I am cooperative participant in group activities)
小組成員應該團結一致,即使他們沒有認同。(Group members should stick together, even if they do not agree)
小組成員的健康狀況(如果對我很重要)。(The wellbeing of my group member if important to me)
我喜歡與小組成員共享項目並花費時間。(I enjoy sharing items and spending time with my group member)
9. 針對長期取向的概念、你想要選擇哪一個? Long term orientation (Sharma, 2010, Yoo et. al, 2011) *
非常同意/Strongly Agree
不同意/Disagree Agree
非常不同意/Strongly Disagree
精心管理資金對我很重要。(Careful management of money is important to me)
即使我第一次嘗試失敗也不會輕易放棄。(I do not give up easily even if I do not succeed in my first attempt)
我相信要製定長期計劃。(I believe in planning for the long-term)
我重視個人的毅力與穩定性。(I value personal steadiness and stability)
我為將來的成功而努力。(I work hard for success in the future)
我不介意為了成功而放棄當下的娛樂。(I do not mind giving up today’s fun for success in the future)
10. 針對人性取向的概念、你想要選擇哪一個? Man-nature orientation (Chan, 2001) *
非常同意/Strongly Agree
不同意/Disagree Agree
非常不同意/Strongly Disagree
對我而言,重要的是要了解自然的方式並採取相應的行動。(It is important for me to understand the ways of nature and act accordingly)
我應該與大自然和平相處。(I should maintain harmony with nature)
作為世界的主人,人類有權根據自己的意願部署任何自然資源®。(Being the master of the world, human beings are entitled to deploy any of the natural resources as they like®)
人類只是大自然的一部分。(Human beings are only part of nature)
11. 針對環境問題概念、你想要選擇哪一個? Environmental Concern (Lee, 2008) *
非常同意/Strongly Agree
不同意/Disagree Agree
非常不同意/Strongly Disagree
我擔心台灣環境質量的惡化。(I am worried about the worsening quality of the environment in Taiwan)
我主要關心的是台灣的環境。( Taiwan's environment is my major concern)
我在精神上參與了台灣的環境保護問題。( I am emotionally involved in environmental protection issues in Taiwan)
我經常思考如何改善台灣的環境質量。( I often think about how the environmental quality in Taiwan can be improved)
12. 針對消費者知覺效能的概念、你想要選擇哪一個? Perceived Consumer Effectiveness (Kim and Choi, 2005; Kim, 2011) *
非常同意/Strongly Agree
不同意/Disagree Agree
非常不同意/Strongly Disagree
每個人可以透過簽署,來支持促進環境改善的行為,對社會產生積極的影響。(Each person's behaviour can have a positive effect on society by signing an appeal in support of promoting the environment.)
我覺得有能力幫助解決環境問題。(I feel capable of helping solve the environmental problems.)
我可以通過購買對環境友好的產品來保護環境。(I can protect the environment by buying products that are friendly to the environment.)
我覺得我可以通過節約用水和能源來幫助解決自然資源問題。(I feel I can help solve natural resource problems by conserving water and energy.)
13. 針對環境知覺知識的概念、你想要選擇哪一個?Perceived environmental knowledge (Mostafa, 2006, Chan and Lau, 2000) *
非常同意/Strongly Agree
不同意/Disagree Agree
非常不同意/Strongly Disagree
我對環境問題非常了解。( I am very knowledgeable about environmental issues)
我比一般人對回收有更多的了解。( I know more about recycling than the average person.)
我知道如何選擇減少垃圾填埋量的產品和包裝。( I know how to select products and packages that reduce the amount of landfill waste.)
我了解產品包裝上的環保短語和符號。( I understand the environmental phrases and symbols on product package)
我知道我購買的產品和包裝對環境安全。( I know that I buy products and packages that are environmentally safe.)
Hàng 6
14. 針對知覺障礙的概念、你想要選擇哪一個? Perceived barriers (Barbarossa and De Pelsmacker, 2016; Tanner and Kast, 2003) *
非常同意/Strongly Agree
不同意/Disagree Agree
非常不同意/Strongly Disagree
有機產品仍然太貴。(Organic products are still too expensive)
在我附近,沒有足夠且可信任的商店有出售有機產品的生態標籤。(In my neighborhood, there are insufficient stores selling organic products Eco-labels lack credibility)
在商店裡,我無法區分有機產品和傳統產品。(In the store, I cannot distinguish between organic and conventional products)
在商店裡,我需要很多時間來尋找有機產品。(Inside the store, I need a lot of time to find organic products)
15. 針對自我認同的概念、你想要選擇哪一個? Self-identity (Carfora, Caso, Sparks & Conner, 2017) *
非常同意/Strongly Agree
不同意/Disagree Agree
非常不同意/Strongly Disagree
我認為自己是“綠色消費者”。(I think of myself as a ‘green consumer’)
我認為自己是一個對“綠色消費”感興趣的人。(I think of myself as a person who is interested in ‘green consumption’)
我認為自己是一個非常關注“綠色問題”的人。(I think of myself as someone who is very concerned with ‘green issues’)
16. 針對對政府信任的事、你想要選擇哪一個? Trust in government (de Jonge et al. 2018) *
非常同意/Strongly Agree
不同意/Disagree Agree
非常不同意/Strongly Disagree
政府會高度重視我們產品的安全性。(Government takes good care of the safety of our product)
政府特別重視食品安全。(Government gives special attention to the safety of food)
政府有權控制食品安全。(Government has the competence to control the safety of food)
政府有足夠的知識來保證食品的安全。(Government has sufficient knowledge to guarantee the safety of food products)
政府對食品安全誠實。(Government is honest about the safety of food)
政府在食品安全方面有足夠的開放態度。(Government is sufficient open regarding the safety of food)
17. 針對對農民的信任的概念、你想要選擇哪一個? Trust in farmers (de Jonge et al. 2018) *
非常同意/Strongly Agree
不同意/Disagree Agree
非常不同意/Strongly Disagree
農民會注意我們食物的安全。(Farmers take good care of the safety of our food)
農民特別注意食品安全。(Farmers give special attention to the safety of food)
農民有控制食物安全的能力。(Farmers have the competence to control the safety of food)
農民對食品安全誠實。(Farmers are honest about the safety of food)
農民對食品安全有足夠的開放態度。(Farmers are sufficiently open regarding the safety of food)
18. 針對[對製造商的信任] 的事、你想要選擇哪一個? Trust in manufacturers (de Jonge et al. 2018) *
非常同意/Strongly Agree
不同意/Disagree Agree
非常不同意/Strongly Disagree
食品製造商應充分注意我們食品的安全性。(Food manufacturers take good care of the safety of our food)
食品製造商特別注意食品的安全性。(Food manufacturers give special attention to the safety of food)
食品製造商具有控制食品安全的能力。(Food manufacturers have the competence to control the safety of food)
食品製造商對食品的安全性誠實。(Food manufacturers are honest about the safety of food)
食品生產商對食品安全性有足夠開放的態度。(Food manufacturers are sufficiently open regarding the safety of food)
19. 針對對零售商的信任、你有甚麼想法呢? Trust in retailers (de Jonge et al. 2018) *
非常同意/Strongly Agree
不同意/Disagree Agree
非常不同意/Strongly Disagree
零售商會注意我們食品的安全性。(Retailers take good care of the safety of our food)
零售商特別注意食物的安全性。(Retailers give special attention to the safety of food)
零售商有控制食品安全的能力。(Retailers have the competence to control the safety of food)
零售商對食品的安全性是誠實的。(Retailers are honest about the safety of food)
零售商對食品的安全性有足夠開放的態度。(Retailers are sufficiently open regarding the safety of food)
20. 1 對於Perceived CSR-企業社會責任的概念、你有甚麼想法呢? Perceived CSR (Su et al., 2017) *
非常同意/Strongly Agree
不同意/Disagree Agree
非常不同意/Strongly Disagree
覺得提供綠色產品的企業回饋了當地社區。(Enterprises, which supply green products, seems to give back to the local community)
覺得提供綠色產品的企業很成功。(Enterprises, which supply green products, seems to be successful)
覺得提供綠色產品的企業對利益相關者的待遇很好。(Enterprises, which supply green products, seems to treats its stakeholders well)
覺得提供綠色產品的企業對環境負責。(Enterprises, which supply green products, seems to be environmentally responsible)
20.2 對於Perceived CSR-企業社會責任的概念、你有甚麼想法呢?Perceived CSR (Dahlsrud, 2008, Beske-Janssen et al.,  2015) *
非常同意/Strongly Agree
不同意/Disagree Agree
非常不同意/Strongly Disagree
提供綠色產品的企業對員工的待遇很好。(Enterprises, which supply green products, treat employees very well)
提供綠色產品的企業對社會負責。(Enterprises, which supply green products, is socially responsible)
提供綠色產品的企業幫助社區中的民間社會組織。(Enterprises, which supply green products, helps civil society organizations in the community)
提供綠色產品的企業致力於生態問題。(Enterprises, which supply green products, is committed to ecological issues)
提供綠色產品的企業將其已收到的一些收益回報給社會。(Enterprises, which supply green products, returns some of what it has received to society)
提供綠色產品的企業採取社會思維。(Enterprises, which supply green products, act thinking about society)
提供綠色產品的企業在其業務活動中整合了慈善捐助。(Enterprises, which supply green products, integrates philanthropic contributions in their business activities)
提供綠色產品的企業對客戶誠實。(Enterprises, which supply green products, behaves honestly with their customers)
提供綠色產品的企業遵守法律法規。(Enterprises, which supply green products, respect the legal regulations)
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