Since 1999
Anil KhareAnil KhareAnil Khare
+971 4 355 4850
Dubai- UAE
Anil KhareAnil KhareAnil Khare

Admission Counseling

Best Abroad Admission Counsellor In Dubai, UAE

Admission Counseling in Dubai

After years of passionate research and rigorous mentoring, I now have a vast experience in figuring out quality education for students based on their caliber and skill-set combination. I have learned and understood the working of the many different programs that universities offer and that comes in handy to help students choose a relevant course so that they enter an industry that is lucrative and personally rewarding. I am in constant touch with university representatives and attend a lot of their seminars to keep myself abreast with the smallest of changes made, giving our students the advantage of not having to scramble for information.

I have assisted students for university admissions in the reputed universities of the UK, USA, Canada, Europe, and Asia. From application to final admission, i offer complete university admission counseling in Dubai.

Admission Counseling in Dubai for below Courses:

Under Graduate
Post Graduate

Here is the list of services we provide:

The first step towards realizing your dream of studying abroad starts with a counselling session.
The choice to move out of the country is an emotional and financial decision. Students have to be doubly sure about choosing the right course as it affects their entire career path. As there are way too many options to choose from, it can get the students and their parents a lot anxious. That is precisely the reason why admission counsellors like me come into picture. I completely understand the overwhelming confusion a student goes through just trying to figure out what he or she wants to do in life. I sit the student down, understand their aspirations, figure out their requirement, explain them the market scenario and how its consequences will reflect on their career.

Contact us for our counselors to get in touch with you and guide you to a university that is best suited for you.
Shortlisting universities is a critical task as no two university courses are the same. It is advisable that you seek help from a seasoned International Education expert in Dubai in your university selection process. Through our reliable admission counselling process, we help you select courses that are best related to your aspirations and interests. We enlighten you on campus facilities and the financial obligations thereof. With in-depth insider knowledge on major global universities, my team of experts and I will help you identify universities that offer the best education so that you get the value for your money. My knowledge and experience in synching the right university and course along with the student’s potential has made me one of the most approachable admission consultants in Dubai.

Contact me to get in touch with you and guide you to a university that is best suited for you.
Many universities have a lengthy and tedious application processes that can be daunting to students. With a team of international university application experts in Dubai, I will help you make the best application(s) that can be tailored accordingly to match the requirements of different universities. As a team of international education experts in Dubai, we have earned our market share through actual success rates with unmatched numbers of student placements. You can therefore be certain that we have the expertise to get you just that international university admission in Dubai that you so desire.

Contact us for our counselors to get in touch with you and guide you to a university that is best suited for you.
Once the application is created, my team and I will send it out to universities on your behalf. We will also do a timely follow-up to ensure that our application(s) along with other documents are on the right track. We provide you hassle-free international university admission application in Dubai, whilst keeping you posted at every step of the way.
I am aware that sending a child abroad might cause a lot of financial stress to parents and students. Effective management of funds might therefore feel like a daunting task, but do not worry. I will guide you to different banks that provide educational loans in Dubai at decent interest rate. You will able to benefit from these certified loan providers to cover your tuition fees and living expenses during your span at the university.
Once the student has received his admission offer letter and he has decided to go to the offering university, the student visa processing assistance in Dubai begins. We not only help you fill visa applications accurately, but also ensure that all necessary documents have gone to the embassy such as the bank statements, demand drafts and so on. My team and I also conduct mock visa interviews so that you are absolutely aware of what are the do(s) and don’t(s) in the actual one. Depending on the course and the country, we will also suggest how to extend your visa or apply for PR.

Previously, I have also helped students who have completed the application process on their own but are in need of visa assistance. Feel free to contact me if you feel stuck at any step of your visa process.
My team and I help students with the travel provisions, so that you and your parents are only excited about this new phase and not worrying about anything. My team and I have collaborations with different travel partners to extend special offers and discounts to our students, we arrange airport/train station pick-ups and drop off for the student to the university campus.
In my role as an admissions counselor, I'm dedicated to empowering students through profile building. It's not just a service; it's a transformative process that helps students articulate their unique strengths and stories. I work collaboratively to identify defining experiences, strategically presenting them through applications and essays. Profile building is about fostering personal growth, amplifying strengths, and navigating the competitive admissions landscape with confidence. Ultimately, it's about helping students secure positions in institutions where they can flourish and make a meaningful impact.
In my capacity, guiding students through essay writing and crafting Statements of Purpose (SOPs) is a source of profound satisfaction. These documents offer insight into a student's character and aspirations. I view essay writing as a platform for genuine self-expression, where students can articulate their unique journey and perspectives. My approach involves collaborative brainstorming, iterative drafts, and constructive feedback to create authentic and compelling narratives. Crafting impactful SOPs demands precision, allowing students to convey their goals effectively. Through essay writing and SOP guidance, I empower students to present their best selves, enhancing their admission prospects.

My role involves providing comprehensive documentation assistance to students. I understand that compiling application materials is a crucial aspect of the admissions process. With meticulous attention to detail, I guide students in preparing well-structured resumes, transcripts, and other supporting documents. My aim is to ensure that each document accurately reflects their achievements, aspirations, and potential, presenting a strong case to admission committees. Through this service, I seek to alleviate the stress of document preparation and enhance students' overall application presentation.


  • Suite 2703-04 (27th floor), Al Moosa Tower 2, Near Emirates Tower Metro Station (South Exit), Sheikh Zayed Road, Dubai
  • +971 55 956 4344
    +971 4 355 4850

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