Worm Food Actor Callout 

We are looking for actors for our summer season show! 

‘Worm food’ is a black comedy about the comings and goings of a palliative care ward. Laugh, cry, and relax for two weeks with a pair of recently reconnected sisters, unprofessional medical professionals, clinically endorsed heroin, and a few adult diapers. 

And the really great thing? No memorising lines! 

That’s because we’re working towards what’s called a ‘staged reading’ of the script. Basically, a performance where you’re up and acting things out, but without all the bells and whistles (or the pressure!) of a fully polished production.  

Feel free to email wormfoodsuds@gmail.com for more information. 

Content warnings for the play: Profanity, mentions of drug use, mentions of death, mentions of suicide.

Your Name *
Email *
Phone number  *
Are you available on the 27th - 30th of January 2024? 

Bump in is the 27th and 28th and our show nights are the 29th and 30th. 
What characters are you interested in playing? *
What audition time slots are you available for?  *
Previous experience 

Please briefly put down any acting experience, or just anything else you think is relevant. If there's nothing for this question, that's ok too!
Do you have any holidays planned between now and January 30th?

(Don't worry! We're going to take a break for Christmas stop all rehearsals between December 13 and 30)
Anything else to tell us? 
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