CHARGESPOT【Doughnut Airlines II Series Bum Bag 有獎問答】條款及細則
- 此【Doughnut Airlines II Series Bum Bag 有獎問答】由殷富利亞洲香港有限公司(「CHARGESPOT」) 主辦。推廣日期為 2025年3月14日 0時0分0秒 至 2025年3月21日 23時59分59秒 止(香港時間),並以香港時間及 CHARGESPOT 之伺服器接收的時間作準。只要參加本有獎問答活動,參加者即被視作已閱讀、明白並同意遵守所有條款及細則。
- 參加者需要符合以下條件:
- 參加者必須為香港地區的 CHARGESPOT 用戶
- 參加者滿足上述參加有獎問答活動條件,即可參加有獎問答活動,亦代表同意條款及細則。
- 是次活動發問 1 條問題,於遊戲帖文中最有創意的 2 條留言,並已追蹤 @chargespothk 及 @doughnutofficial 專頁、讚好遊戲帖文、於留言回覆 CHARGESPOT 用戶編號(UID)的參加者將會得獎,得獎者必須沒有違反本條款及細則。
- 每個 CHARGESPOT 帳號(以 CHARGESPOT 用戶編號(UID)為準)於本有獎問題活動最多只能中獎(請參考第3項條款)一次。得獎者於領獎時必須出示其 CHARGESPOT 用戶編號UID頁面作核對之用。
- 若合資格參加者在本有獎問答活動中提供給 CHARGESPOT 的所須資料出現不正確、不真實、不完整或無效情況,合資格參加者參加本有獎問答活動的資格將會被取消。
- CHARGESPOT 將選出 2 位得獎者,每位得獎者可得到 Doughnut Airlines II Series Bum Bag 1 個。
- 所有獎品不得兌換成現金、積分或任何其他產品,以及不可出售或轉讓。
- 獎品如有遺失或被竊,CHARGESPOT一概不會補發、更換或負上責任。
- 得獎名單將於 2025年3月24日 在 CHARGESPOT 官方社交媒體帳號(公佈。
- CHARGESPOT 將於得獎名單公佈後7個工作天內以 Instagram 私訊方式通知得獎者有關獎品派發事宜, Instagram 得獎通知將發送至得獎者於參加有獎問答活動時所使用的 Instagram用戶名稱。不論任何原因,得獎者如沒有在指定領獎限期內領取獎品,其得獎資格將會被取消而不作另行通知。得獎者於領獎時必須出示其 CHARGESPOT 用戶編號UID頁面作核對之用。
- CHARGESPOT 並不負責核實參加者在參加有獎問答活動時所提供及使用的 Instagram 用戶名稱及CHARGESPOT 用戶編號UID真確性。若合資格參加者所遞交的資料有錯漏/不正確而影響得獎通知,CHARGESPOT 概不補發。
- 如因參加者或得獎者因違規或非法行為導致 CHARGESPOT、 或第三方損失,有關參加者或得獎者須負上一切責任。
- Instagram 得獎通知於送出得獎者後若有遺失或損毀,恕不補發。
- 若本有獎問答活動因但不限於電腦病毒感染、蠕蟲或木馬程式、伺服器入侵、篡改、未經授權的干預、欺詐、技術故障或任何其他主辦單位控制以外的原因,而破壞或影響系統安全性、公平性、誠信及本有獎問答活動的正常運作,CHARGESPOT 有權取消任何篡改參加程序的人士的資格,而無須發出事先通知。
- CHARGESPOT 對本條款及細則擁有絕對解釋權。如有任何爭議,CHARGESPOT 將擁有最終決定權。
- 私隱政策
參加者只要參加本有獎問答活動,即表示同意遵守以上所有條款及細則及 CHARGESPOT 私隱政策,亦同意接收有關活動資訊,包括得獎通知。詳情請參閱 CHARGESPOT手機應用程式內的私隱政策。參加者的個人資料,會被收集並用作本有獎問答活動、本有獎問答活動的行政用途、放進本有獎問答活動的參加名單、抽出得獎者、聯絡得獎者、公佈得獎名單及於得獎者領獎時核實身份之用。 - CHARGESPOT 會確保所收集的個人資料會根據《個人資料(私隱)條例》(第 486 章)妥善處理及銷毀。
- 如此條款及細則之中文及英文版本存有歧異,以英文版本為準。
CHARGESPOT【Doughnut Airlines II Series Bum Bag Prize Quiz】TERMS AND CONDITIONS
Giveaway Details
- 【Doughnut Airlines II Series Bum Bag Giveaway】is organized by Inforich Asia Hong Kong Limited, ("CHARGESPOT"). The campaign period is valid from 14 March 2025 at 00:00:00 to 21 March 2025 at 23:59:59 (Hong Kong Time). It is subject to Hong Kong time and the time received by CHARGESPOT’s server. By participating in the Prize Quiz, participants agree to the Terms and Conditions.
- Participants must fulfill the following requirements :
- Participants must be a Hong Kong CHARGESPOT App user
- Upon fulfillment of the above eligibility requirements, participants will enter the Prize Quiz and agree to its Terms and Conditions.
- The Prize Quiz asks one question. The 2 most creative comments in the game post, made by participants who have followed @chargespothk and @doughnutofficial's page, liked the game post and mentioned the CHARGESPOT User ID (UID) in their comments, will win. Winners must not have violated these terms and conditions.
Giveaway Terms and Conditions
- Each CHARGESPOT account (based on the CHARGESPOT User ID (UID)) can only win a prize (please refer to clause 3) once in this Prize Draw. Winners are required to present their CHARGESPOT User ID UID page for verification when claiming the prize.
- If any information an Eligible Participant provided to CHARGESPOT for the Prize Quiz is/are incorrect, untrue, incomplete, or invalid, they will lose eligibility for participating in this Prize Quiz.
- CHARGESPOT will pick 2 winners. Each winner will win 1 Doughnut Airlines II Series Bum Bag.
- The Prizes cannot be exchanged for cash, credit, or other items, nor sold or transferred.
- If the prizes are lost or stolen, CHARGESPOT will not re-issue and replace the prizes, or bear any responsibility.
- The winners will be announced on CHARGESPOT's official social media account ( on 24 March 2025.
- Winners will be notified about the Prize collection arrangement via Instagram Direct Message within seven working days after publishing the winner list. The Instagram Direct Message prize notification message will be sent to the Instagram Account Handle used by the winners for Prize Quiz participation. If the winners fail to collect the Prizes within the specified Prize collection period for whatever reason, he/she will be disqualified without further notice. The winner must present his/her CHARGESPOT User ID page for verification when collecting the Prize.
- CHARGESPOT is not responsible for verifying the Instagram Account Handle and CHARGESPOT UID submitted by Eligible Participants for Prize Quiz. Should there be any misdelivery of notification messages resulting from inaccurate or incorrect information submitted by the Eligible Participants, CHARGESPOT will not re-issue the Prize.
- If participants or winners violate any rules or commit any illegal acts that result in any losses on the part of CHARGESPOT, or any third parties, the relevant participants or winners shall be liable for all losses incurred.
- Instagram prize notification messages issued to the winners will not be re-issued in case of loss or damage.
- If, for any reason, the Prize Quiz is not capable of running as planned, due to infection by computer viruses, bugs, worms, trojan horses, denial of service attacks, tampering, unauthorized intervention, fraud, technical failures, or any other causes beyond the control of CHARGESPOT that corrupt or affect the administration, security, fairness, integrity, or proper conduct of Prize Quiz, CHARGESPOT reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to disqualify any individual(s) who tamper with the entry process without prior notice.
- CHARGESPOT reserves the right to interpret these Terms and Conditions. For any dispute arising from the Prize Quiz, CHARGESPOT reserves the right to make the final decision.
- Privacy Statement
Participating in the Prize Quiz will serve as the participant's consent to accept the above Terms and Conditions, "CHARGESPOT" privacy policy, and agree to receive communications relating to the Prize Quiz, including winner notifications. For the "CHARGESPOT" privacy policy, please refer to the CHARGESPOT Mobile App “Privacy Policy”. Personal information will be collected and used for the Prize Quiz, the administration of the Prize Quiz, placing in the entry list of the Prize Quiz, announcing the winner, contacting participants on winner notification, announcing the winners list and identity verification of the winner upon Prize redemption.
- CHARGESPOT will collect, handle and destroy all personal data in accordance with the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap. 486)
- In the event of discrepancies in the terms and conditions between the English and Chinese versions, the English version shall prevail.