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Your support means so much!
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serving the unreached in central asia
Our Vision
We believe God wants to use the fitness realm, specifically CrossFit, to reach the people of Central Asia. We are planning to establish the first CF affiliate in the nation and use this platform to gather and disciple everyone who walks through our doors. As a family, we are radically committed to the unreached people in Central Asia who have never had ONE chance to hear the gospel. We will continually pursue ways to reach them through trips into the nomadic places, friendship, and following the lead of the Holy Spirit.  
       Our family of 8 is fully reliant on the financial support of friends, family, and churches around the country. Each supporter, no matter the amount, is the reason we can give our lives to the people of Central Asia. We believe that God has called both us and those in our community to be a part of fulfilling the great commission ["He said to them, 'Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation." Mark 16:15.] For some, that means physically GOING into the world and for others, it looks like supporting those who are called to GO. 
Saying yes to supporting our family allows us to be obedient to Jesus & say YES to our calling!
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Ready to join us? Here are the details for how to give:
1. Choose whether you’d like to make a one time donation or become a monthly supporter of ours
2. Input the amount
3. Find “Missionary #46230 MM” in the drop down menu
4. Follow the rest of the instructions to complete donation
Until all have heard,
The McDonalds
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