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Search results for: "Kill The King"

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...... The live draw has been done! You can watch the vod  ............ :  https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1929735799  These are the schemes picked for each match! Best of  ............  Vs MarCello - Big Rope Race Laclac Vs Mlaofmd - Kill to Steal Laclac Vs Lancelot - Time-Trial Jetpack  ............  Mlaofmd Vs Lancelot - Darts  Group 2:  Zalo the moler Vs Rocket - WxW Shopper Zalo the moler Vs  ............  - Elemental  Zalo the moler Vs h3oCharles - Parachute Race Zalo the  ............  Lupastic - Organic Hysteria Rocket Vs kirill470 - Kill The King  Rocket Vs h3oCharles - Fort Rocket Vs  ............  Slayer - Boom Race Big Billy Vs Kaleu - Capture the Flag Big Billy Vs badatworms - Kill to Steal Big  ............  SD badatworms Vs Slayer - Fort  Group 4:  sock Vs TheWalrus - Elite sock Vs Mega`Adnan - Supersheeper  ............  - Burning Girders sock Vs Kradie - Bungee Race TheWalrus Vs Mega`Adnan - Parachute Race TheWalrus Vs  ............  - Parachute Race TheWalrus Vs Kradie - Surf Shopper Mega`Adnan Vs  ......
......  I got distracted again!   Grand Final:  TheWalrus Vs Rocket = Only Crates   Bronze Match:   ............  Vs Mega`Adnan = Kill the King  ......
TUS Discussion / More map categories
July 26, 2021, 09:13 AM by FoxHound
......  to receive a proper TUS map category. Some of them have no maps in TUS, but they can be ported here. ............  have only 1 or a few more maps, but I included them because I think all original ideas that require  ............ -designed kind of map would be more noticed by the players and maybe more people will contribute  ............  maps for the schemes. If these are too many categories, well  ............  the categories could be separated by notability or by  ............  numbers. If the ones with very few maps available cannot be  ............ , I hope at least the maps with dozens of maps receive proper  ............ .  Here's the list:  Surf Race (9 WMDB) Mole Forts (9 WMDB / 26  ............ ) Boom for Weapons (15 WMDB) Kill The King (20 WMDB / 8 TUS) PX Kill The King (8  ............  (8 WMDB / 5 TUS) Fly-Forts (9 WMDB) Rope Knocking (28 WMDB) PX Rope Race (WMDB 23) PX Capture The  ............  (7 WMDB) Hang Glider Race (7 WMDB) Ghost Knocking (4 WMDB / 5 TUS / 1 NLF) Sheep Glitch (5 WMDB /  ............ ) Jump Race (5 WMDB) Dangerous Water (6 WMDB) Beat The Sheep (5 WMDB) Counter-Strike (4 WMDB) Cannon  ............ (1 WMDB) Bowling (1 WMDB) Ping-pong (1 WMDB) Dodge The Meteors (1 WMDB) Comet Dodging Race (1 WMDB) Sink  ............  TUS) Hysteria Race (1 WMDB) Mine Race (1 WMDB) King of the Ring (1 WMDB) House of Crates (1 WMDB)  ............  Trick Race (1 TUS) Petrol on Ice (1 WMDB) The Maze Wormer (1 WMDB) The Hunger Worms (1 WMDB)  ............  Race (1 WMDB) Jet Zook (1 TUS) Take out the Mine (1 WMDB) Black Hole Golf (1 WMDB) Black Hole  ............  4 Elementos (1 WMDB) Worm Tennis (1 WMDB) Capture The Flag Shopper (1 WMDB)  ......
......  RubberWorm and TestStuff are officially inside the new scheme format. This game has a lot of schemes  ............  and TS schemes can be easily played and there are no RubberWorm schemes in TUS leagues. The  ............  lot, so why not add new schemes to TUS leagues?  The Times... They are A-Changin'...  Just take a look  ............  page or maybe TUS schemes list. Some people think they are the best because they play 1 scheme of all  ............  in WA, even the "allrounders" of TUS probably don't play so many  ............  of WA.   I know, the more schemes, the more complicated it will be to  ............  the league, but I think it would be interesting to  ............  the idea. Maybe this could be a "Funner League" or  ............ ... Maybe a not so serious league...  I don't know the others but I would participate in a league with  ............  Hole BnG, Driver, Goku Battle Arena, Rope Knocking, Skinflint Roping, Teleporting, Hand to Hand,  ............ , Drown Syndrome, Worms Chess, Ghost Knocking (this one is not actually so underground), Trench  ............  War (or one of its variants), Sally Shopper, Kill The King and so many others...   There are also  ............  schemes like Selecsteria and Freemediate, but these are proposals for already existing leagues...  ............  (this scheme is being played frequently).  Also, the league could receive some of the ZaR schemes too,  ............  if Kradie stops posting fake news and conspiracy theories. ......
...... . And I think more categories should be added.   Kill The King Rowy Big Kaos (big islands)  I can make  ............  list again of the ones I feel that are more important. ......
Off Topic / Re: My kingdom for a donkey!
May 06, 2023, 02:33 PM by FoxHound
Is this that scheme, Kill The King (KTK)?
I hope the moderator will take the cup
......  medal i had in WO:  this is beaaaaaaautiful !  Kill the king tournament, made by warlord  ......
...... ://www.tus-wa.com/cups/cup-580/   Kill the King Cup for All. Singnups have started. ......
...... : Husk on February 27, 2016, 05:49 AMaeeee some kill the king maps were posted as "ctf" in wmdb  ............  ktk doesn't have its own category  there are many nice ktk maps =P  ......
Other worms games / Re: Worms: Clan Wars
June 22, 2013, 06:40 AM by PyroMan
......  from: HHC on June 21, 2013, 11:41 PMMaybe all these features are a lil too much? It seems kinda  ............  have THAT many options. Maybe you can introduce them somewhere one at a time and give examples of  ............  that use these options? In the WA forum of TUS for example?   ............ 's the reason why I stick to my good old PSP version 5  ............  Just too many goddamn features   Well yeah. The main problem with projectX forums - is that we  ............  there a lot of topics about schemes, libs, maps. Some  ............  them cool, some of them trololo offtopic ( ............  admins and moderators inactive there now) and a lot of good topics are simply lost  ............  the past.  And some schemes are really sh*t. And its  ............  wants ty try ProjectX - he got stuck with "what the f*ck is this, what i should play, where is  ............ , wtf stupid scheme i just played" etc etc etc. THere are a lot of strategic-based schemes. Like Team- ............ , highlander, px kill the king etc. They are extremely interesting and  ............  should do - is summarize PX stuff, spread out on the shelves, cut most interesting schemes and libs,  ............  how to operate them. And also first install of ProjectX - this also  ............  schemes and libs with descriptions what does they do - i think this can be that way where PX will  ............ . Saying about options.. its not rly that much of them when you host games. Its actually same, like  ............  to choose some options of scheme - u just need another version of scheme with labled parameters.  So  ............  back home. Hopefully this will help to understand the power of ProjectX and to find the scheme and  ............  weaps for EACH worm (not team, notice) and killing that worm forces steal his weaps and to be a  ............  worm and kill others and steal their weapons. Its really very  ......
Leagues Complaints / Re: Prince_Egypt
June 26, 2013, 08:29 PM by LeTotalKiller
......  try and go for a revolution. (I promise not to kill the prince like we killed the king during 1789- ......
......  "something" (cannon or whatever) on enemy fort to kill the king. No idea what it was called but it was  ......
Schemes / Re: Wascar and Petrolia in the free league?
September 04, 2013, 02:51 AM by Dmitry
...... , BnA (only MM and only BnA), Kami/Kamikaze, Kill the king, Petrolia, QuickDraw, One of Everything,  ......
......  this as a league.... with points, kind of like the worms2 cases ladder was...   it will make it so  ............  games get played, rather then a big list of players waiting such a long  ............   hers how i picture it working: every pair on the list can play any pair....  ............  will get 2nd place, the loser will get 3rd... so on, and so on, and so on. ............ ..   now, lets say we have 10 pairs in ranking.... if rank 9, beats rank 2 they move up half  ............  the ranks inbetween them... there is 7 ranks between,  ............  rank 9 moves up (3.5rounds up to 4) 4 ranks, so they are now ranked 5... they can choose to play  ............  2 again, and if they win they would move up 2 spaces..  the only way  ............  rank 1, is if you are rank 2... and beat rank 1 (the kings)   another example: rank 5 plays rank 1,  ............  is 4 ranks between... they move up 2 ranks...  the only way to move up in  ............  system, 3 points for a win, -1 for a loss... the points are just for e-cock glory, not for ranking............  also be possible for each person to have more then 1 partner..... like, me and nino could be a  ............ , at the same time me and mablak are kings... and at the  ............  time nino and dibz are a ranking.... (obviously we would not be able to play  ............  got knocked out, me and nino could chase after the new kings for that spot...   with this system, it  ............  be more games being played, and everyone wants to kill the kings (or any ranking that is higher then  ......
Public Forum / Re: Something about WO.
January 09, 2013, 09:13 PM by Rogi
......  roper schemes much. You said WO needs limits of the tourneys, but lets look statistics:   ............  Kami (2)  Kill the King (1)  Mine Madness ( ............  Team 17 (5)  The One (1)  Wascar (1)   ......
Challenges / Re: Updating challenges
November 22, 2014, 11:04 AM by Hussar
......  an idea about "kill the king", many ppl were on yes, what about it? ......
......  type of play is similar to CTF.V this game the two teams start on opposite sides. Red (attacks) - ............  on the red arrow and blue (defense) - on the red siney. ............  - to destroy all blue or blue to destroy the king. The purpose of the blue - to destroy the  ............  and to protect their king from breaking. The king is destroyed, if  ............  is destroyed by 90% or more. Catch the tail wind with a parachute, for faster  ............  to karte.Eto strategy game, as Protect the king and the enemy try to destroy it. The worms  ............  only 20 seconds of time on the course to advance the protection of the king, and  ............  opponent in the attacks. If one team is killed, the rest of the  ............ , Onions in Scheme 2 to 30 HP, 75 HP Battle Axe  The number of worms in the team: 2-4  2 of the Basic  ............  and popular Kill The King  Playing in the group rounds on this map: ............  https://www.tus-wa.com/maps/map-2949/  play in the playoffs and finals this map: http://www.tus-wa. ......