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Agenda 16 09 23 (1).docx
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

Colliers Wood Residents’ Association

Meeting to be held on

16 September 2023 at 11am

In the Colliers Wood Community Centre


  1. Welcome, apologies and introductions

  1. Actions from previous meeting

  1. Councillors’ reports: to include multi use sports area in Recreation Ground, community skip, cycle sheds, Veolia contract and scaffolding around the Tower.

  1. Progress with Pickle Park: Nicoletta Bonansea, National Trust (at 11:30)

  1. Sources of funding for the community
  1. Community Infrastructure bids
  2. Ward allocation fund
  3. Climate change fund

  1. Update on MertonVision/GP surgery

  1. Report from Neighbourhood Police

  1. Ideas for future meetings

  1. Any Other Business

  1. Date and time of next meeting

       Saturday 4 November 2023 at 11am in CW Community Centre