Administrative Policies, Procedures and
Privacy Disclosure

Church Growth International School of Evangelism admits students across America and around the world by an “open door policy”. This means that acceptance is not predicated upon previous academic experience or accomplishments.

Church Growth International School of Evangelism reserves the right to not admit students whose philosophical beliefs and lifestyle are antithetical to Christian Doctrine and Conduct.

Disclosure Statement Regarding Student Information:

The Family Educational Right and Privacy Act of 1974 protects the privacy of student records.
This institution at no time nor under any circumstances will release any personal information given to Church Growth International School of Evangelism.

We are committed to protecting your personal information, and maintaining  it's confidentiality. We collect and use your information solely for the purpose of providing academic services and supporting your academic goals. We do not disclose your personal information to external parties unless required by law or with your explicit consent.

1. Applicants that are not thorough in completing the admission application may be in danger of not being accepted.

2. Students that are dishonest in the examination process are subject to being dismissed
from the school.

Intellectual Properties Disclosure

Our educational materials, content and branding are solely the property of CGISOE. By using our materials, you acknowledge our ownership and agree to respect our exclusive intellectual property rights. No materials associated with courses offered may be distributed, sold, recorded, or reproduced in any fashion without the express permission from the President of CGISOE

Dr. Russell T. Cephas, Jr.,
President of Church Growth International School of Evangelism (CGISOE)
Email *
Surname,          Given names *
Country *
Email *
WhatsApp Cell Number (with plus sign (+) of country international dialing Code)
Date of Birth
Place of Birth/Citizen
Martial Status
Spiritual Aptitude:
Please share your personal testimony of how you became a Christian. Please
share just a little about yourself before you got saved.
Have you ever lead a sinner to saving faith in the Lord Jesus Christ?
How many people have you won to the Lord? *
Which country did the person come from, who recruited you ? *
As a student at CGISOE receiving a $12,000 USD scholarship, I agree to recruit one student to the Bible College *
Note to Student: Once you type your full name with date of your application, you will be registered but not admitted until you are approved by the International Dean of Students. *
Once you are approved, a link will be sent to your email to enter the Google Classroom *
Then, you must download the Google Classroom App on your device that you will be using to take the modules/courses *
If you agree to these conditions, please type your name and today's date. *
Thank you for enrolling in CGISOE where you get your learning and keep your burning!

Any further questions, Contact the Int'l Dean of Students WhatsApp/Tel: +2347054181904

Thank you for your interest in our school!
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