
Moonstone as name suggests is stone of Moon. It is also known as 'Chandramani or Chandrakant Mani' in Hindi. Even though they are found in several hues, the natural white moonstones are most popular ones. They are much like the moon in appearance as well as benefits. The gem gives peace, love, and serenity to the wearer. It enhances your vitality, brings liveliness to your life, and boosts your charm. This beautiful gem will bring balance to your life. Also, it is very beneficial if you are planning to conceive. Moonstone increases fertility in both men and women. Also, it keeps the to-be mothers and the baby protected and safe.

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Moonstone (Chandramani)

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About Moonstone Gemstone

Moonstone is also known as Chandrakanta Stone and Chandramani Stone in Hindi. It is associated with the planet Moon. Aside from reflecting the planet's ethereal brightness, Chandramani stone embodies purity and peace, instilling the user with optimism and hope. It fulfills the same function as the Moon in people's lives, lighting the gloomy skies of worry, anxiety, and melancholy.

  • The mysterious Moonstone is one of the world's most popular semi-precious gemstones, with a richness of symbolic importance.
  • Moonstone is related to the planet Moon or Chandra.
  • This gemstone is known as a stone of emotions and emotional equilibrium and as a tool for delving deeply inside oneself to uncover inner truth, knowledge, and connection to the higher self.
  • Moonstone is chosen by healers and psychic channels, who wear Moonstone Bracelets or other Moonstone rings to benefit from its significance, which includes improving psychic skills and using intuitive capabilities.
  • Natural Moonstone is known for promoting love. In India, the Moon Stone crystal is highly valued, especially among astrologers aware of its mystical properties.

Benefits of Moonstone:

Natural Moon Stone has a strong, centuries-old reputation for its great beauty, many mystical properties, and healing skills. This gemstone is often referenced in ancient manuscripts from India, Egypt, China, and Rome. From Cleopatra to Angelina Jolie. For generations, it has been worn as a symbol of status and style. Rated as the queen of jewels, the stone is known by several names in different nations and civilizations, including 'Tarak Ratna' or 'Chandra Ratna' in Hindi. Let's see the basic, astrological, and health benefits of Moonstone

Astrological Benefits of Moonstone Stone

  • The Moon regulates your emotions and instincts, enhancing your intuitive talents by opening your head chakra to accept direction.
  • Crystals are popular possessions among spiritual seekers and people who desire to go on a personal development journey. The Moonstone bracelet may help you discover yourself and your purpose by promoting meditation and self-reflective routines.
  • The Moon, connected with feminine energy, will stimulate the same forces inside you. The Moonstone bracelet helps you accept your strength and cultivate your inner ambitions

Health Benefits of Moonstone Stones

  • The supporting presence of white Moonstone helps you control your spontaneous outbursts and make calm choices instead of being overwhelmed. Its stress-reduction ability makes it a great crystal.
  • The calming influence of Blue Moonstone improves your anxiety management and fosters the quiet and tranquility of the deep blue seas inside you. It allows you to remain in the current moment rather than drowning in tension, reminiscing, or fretting about the unknown future.
  • When difficult circumstances bog you down, the ethereal radiance of Blue Moonstone helps to rekindle hope and enthusiasm while also boosting your mood.
  • The calm energy of blue Moonstone improves sleep habits. Its gentle caress allows you to sleep deeply and begin the day in a positive tone.
  • For women, the Moonstone bracelet helps to protect against mood swings, irritation, and bloating during the menstrual cycle and menopause.

Basic Benefits Of Moonstone Gemstone

  • Moonstones are believed to bring good fortune. Besides, the ethereal gem also helps to predict the future.
  • Moreover, Moonstone augments one’s intuition power and boosts inspiration. This gem is also believed to attract success when it concerns business and love.
  • Moonstone is also regarded as a stone for travelers. It is believed to safeguard travelers on land and sea.
  • Moonstone is a highly popular semi-precious gemstone. It is regarded as a great stone for creative professionals, mainly those in the writing and music fields.

Who Can Wear Moonstone?

Moonstone comes as the conventional birthstone for June. It is meant for the “Cancer” zodiac sign. In short, moonstone offers excellent benefits to artists, musicians, composers, and writers. Moreover, moonstone is believed to promote creativity and enhance sync with the vibration and aura of nature.

The moonstone is ideal for the Cancer zodiac sign. It is believed to be the ultimate healer for women. It helps to improve the traits of Cancerians, especially their loyalty and family attachment.

How to Wear Moonstone?

Every gemstone has a specific method of wearing, and it goes for moonstone as well. If moonstone suits you, you should wear it on Monday evening times of the Waxing Moon or Shukla Paksh.

Moreover, moonstone should only be worn on the little finger. However, right-handed people should wear it in their right hands and left-handed people in their left hands.

When it comes to wearing the moonstone, you should chant a specific Mantra. Ask your astrologer about the same.

What is Original Price of Moonstone

Are you curious about how much a carat of moonstone costs? The price of moonstone starts from Rupees 500/- or $ 6 for per carat in India. The highest price of rainbow moonstone is Rupees 5,000/- or $ 61 for per carat. Now, you know the price range of moonstone per carat. But, if you want to be sure about the real price of moonstone, you can consult an expert. The price of moonstone gemstone varies based on different qualities, such as color, clarity, shape, and cut.

Where to Buy Moonstone?

Moonstone comes with incredible benefits for the mind, body, and soul. However, these benefits can only be reaped only when you buy the original moonstone. Rashi Ratan Bhagya has won the hearts and trust of its customers by providing natural, original and government certified gemstones. You can contact us if you are in search of real moonstone. We have the natural moonstones of the best quality to provide you with a maximum value for your money and to cater to your requirements and expectations.

Healing Properties of Moonstone

The moonstone healing properties are as follows:

  • Works as a Multi-purpose Gem:- Moonstone is believed to bring happiness and good fortune. Moreover, it represents love and unselfishness. Moonstone helps to onset a new journey in life along with promoting spiritual insights. Besides, this spectacular gem streamlines the childbirth process. It is also believed to bring abundance, hope, and wisdom.
  • Supports Inner Growth:- Moonstone helps in new beginnings in life. It promotes inner growth and internal strength. Furthermore, moonstone helps to relieve emotional anxiety and instability. It helps to calm the mind and stabilize emotion so that one can make informed decisions in life. Other than providing relaxing effects in the mind, moonstone augments one’s intuition power and boosts up success and inspiration. When it comes to matters related to business and love, moonstone helps to bring good fortune.
  • Promotes Well-being:- Not only about mental and emotional support but moonstone also promotes good health. It helps to keep a proper digestive system by keeping toxins at bay. The alluring gem helps the body to absorb nutrients. It also lowers degenerative conditions related to eyes, hair, skin, pancreas, and liver. Furthermore, moonstone promotes the pineal gland and helps to keep hormonal cycles in a proper balance. That is why the moonstone is regarded as an ideal gem for PMS, pregnancy, childbirth, etc.

The moonstone metaphysical properties also lie in its power to help men to open their emotional side.

What is the Puja Procedure for Moonstone Before Wearing It?

When it is about performing pooja for moonstone, the ideal day is Monday (you already know the timing from the above segment).

Take a white silk cloth and spread it. Then, it’s time to spread rice as well as sugar all over the cloth. Wash the moonstone ring properly, and then start applying sandal and kumkum to it. Next, put the ring on the mixture of rice and sugar.

Light camphor and incense stick (opt for natural ones). It is time for offering white flowers and chanting the Moon mantra 108 times. The final step is to wear the moonstone ring.

Why Moonstone Is So Important?

Given below are the few factors that indicate the significance of the beautiful moonstone gemstone:

  • Rarity: - In short, moonstone is rare in terms of its primary features. This spectacular gem is extracted from one of the most common minerals of the world.
  • Adularescence: - It is a striking phenomenon that is seen in the moonstone gem. The alternating layers of orthoclase and albite scatter light and produce adularescence.
  • Another Effect: - Other than adularescence, moonstone often displays an alluring cat’s-eye effect.

Moonstones feature semi-transparent blue hues all-around them. The spectacular sheen of the moonstone gem comes with great importance, according to astrology.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Que. What is moonstone good for?

Ans. Moonstone helps you unleash your feminine power of creativity and intuition, which lets you connect with your authentic feelings. It can calm and balance your emotions and stress. The peaceful energy of the moonstone fosters creativity, healing, and maternal protection.

Que. Is moonstone a lucky stone?

Ans. Moonstone, a gem that showed “lighted” effects on its surface, was a sign of good fortune in Eastern cultures. The shifting, white flashes on its face, which experts call adularescence, seemed to imply a strong, benevolent spirit lived inside.

Que. Is it safe to wear a moonstone?

Ans. Moonstone is not as strong as gems like sapphire, diamond, or amethyst. It can get scratched and also cracked or split if it hits a hard surface by accident. Moonstones should not be worn during gymming or while playing Sports. However, many people wear moonstone rings for years without any problems if they take good care of them.

Que. Where is moonstone found in India?

Ans. Rainbow moonstone is found in the southwest of India, while blue moonstone is extracted from Bihar in the middle of the nation.

Que. Is Moonstone a Gemini birthstone?

Ans. Moonstone is one of the June birthstones, along with Pearl and Alexandrite, and is assigned to the astrological sign of Gemini. It’s a modern June gem that is given for the 13th wedding anniversary and every 13 years after that.

Que. Moonstone is the birthstone of which month?

Ans. June has three birthstones, which is rare for a month, giving you many options for beautiful birthstone gems. The birthstones for June are moonstone, alexandrite, and Pearl.