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ELTA Program Information Session

English Language Teaching Assistant (ELTA) program was established in 2021 and funded by Ministry of Education. The ELTA program serves the main island of Taiwan, as well as the off-shore territories, through 3 offices comprising the North, Central and South centers with an aim to strengthening English language instruction and skills among local elementary and junior high school students. Under the teacher’s supervision, the ELTAs work with students to help them improve their oral and written communications skills in English through instructional activities.

We, Central ELTA Center, are going to hold an info session to give you a clearer picture of ELTA. This is also a good chance for us to learn more about you and the problems you encountered during the application process. Light refreshment will be served. Come chat with us! 

The details are as follows:
Time: Mar 27 (WED) 12:30pm - 13:30pm
Venue: National Changhua University of Education

See you soon!

Registration Deadline: 12pm, Mar 22 (Fri)

If you have any questions, please contact us at
Phone: (05)-272-0411 ext. 26214 or 26215
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